[ Cover Page ] [ Page One ] [ Our
Memories ]
What sticks out in our minds about someone can
say a lot...
- Mookie drives.
- Nicknames
- "Brandt
should not be experienced by the faint at heart."
- "Anne
- Mel's butt fetish.
- "Hair is everything!" - Mel
- Long distance friendships and hugs.
- "Life sucks. Wear a helmet."
- Sleep is for wimps!
- The Morris van
- Kacky fighting
with men (yes, we have pictures [1] , [2] and [3] as evidence).
- Team Slow
- Mom taking care
of us.
- Mom baking yummy
food for us.
- Mom &
"the old lady"
- "Snort! Snort! Snort!"
- "Oh, that's right. You're an R.A."
- Classes with other Prout Table people--especially
Psychology and Computer Science.
- Saying Good-bye and meeting again.
- Sam and Z looking at the stars .
- Z the DJ.
[ Next ]
Jeremy D. Zawodny
/ jzawodn@bgnet.bgsu.edu
Updated: March 1st, 1997