[ Cover Page ] [ Page One ] [ The People of Prout Table ]
Pictured: Brandt Fundak.
The three words or phrases that best describe Brandt:
I came to know Brandt entirely because of Tom. He and Tom became good friends during my sophomore year. I actually didn't pay too much attention to Brandt for quite some time, and I'm not really sure why. (I was probably too wrapped up in my work.)
At some point Tom introduced Brandt to Prout Table and started bringing him to lunch. After getting to know us a bit, Brandt began to amuse us with his cynical attitude, brutal honesty, and his sick sense of humor. He told numerous stories of the bizarre people he has met, the crazy people he went to high school with, and so on. We could always count on Brandt to find something negative in virtually everything we talked about. The BG News was one of his favorite targets, but I personally think they deserved it.
Brandt also had an interested in computers, which I deemed cool. Eventually, when staffing was short in the F/S/G Computer Lab (where Justin and I worked), I managed to help get him a job there. Through working with him, I got to know Brandt even more and came to appreciate his humor. He somehow manages to amuse the hell out of me.
Being "different" or "a freak" is one of Brand't goals in life, I think. He likes to try and differentiate himself from others by the music he listens to, the stories he writes, and the life he lives.
Brandt is a big fan of both the Cleveland Indians and BGSU Hockey fan.
Last year, Brandt had the distinction of being Tom's roommate in my apartment on Second street (see the story on Kacky's page for some context). He probably deserves an award for that.
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Updated: April 24th, 1997