September 25, 2002

gnuPod 0.1

From Freshmeat:

gnuPod is a collection of tools which allow you to use your iPod under Linux and other UNIX- like operating systems. HFS+ and FAT32 formatted iPods are supported.

Cool. It was only a matter of time. Now how do I convince Apple to give me an iPod? :-)

Posted by jzawodn at 11:18 PM

"I read that yesterday..."

Matt describes something I've been experiencing a lot recently:

You know you read too many primary sources when you read an article on slashdot and think, "I read that yesterday."

Yeah, ever since I got into weblogs. I don't rely on Slashdot, LinuxToday, and other sites for my information (notice that I didn't say "news") anymore.

Posted by jzawodn at 10:56 PM

Y! Finance RSS Feeds Update

First of all, thanks for all the great feedback. I see that a lot of folks are pulling it now. I'm working on some stats. It'll be interesting to see which stocks bloggers tend to watch, which aggregators they use, and so on.

I've seen a few folks make use of them in the weblogs already. postneo Matt picked up an Apple release, for example.

This is very cool. It's not often that I get such personal and quick feedback about something I worked on at Yahoo. Most of our stuff is so big that the feedback always gets filtered thru customer care and producers and so on. The upshot is that we engineers and hackers almost never see/hear/read it.

Keep it coming. :-)

A lot of you have requested features. The most popular request is to get the latest price of the stock as the first entry in the feed--linked to a quote page for more information. I like that idea a lot. I hope to implement that (and a few other things) in the next week.

The feedback is great. I can't stress that enough. We really don't get this for most of our "product launches".

If you mailed me personally or posted feedback and I haven't replied, don't worry. I've read it. I will reply. Thanks.

Posted by jzawodn at 10:51 PM

On Dave's Radar...

I think I'm on Dave's radar--at least for the moment. He not only picked up my announcement of the RSS feeds we're testing in Yahoo! Finance, he picked up on my rant from yesterday.

As I said in e-mail to Jon Udell the other day, Dave is the Slashdot of the blog community. Sort of. :-) You get linked from his site and you get lots of traffic. At least you'll never see some idiots posting "First Post!" and "Natalie Portman!" on Scripting News.

Dave, if you're reading this: Hi. Hope to meet you in person someday.

Posted by jzawodn at 10:41 PM

New Blog Category: Yahoo

I've added a new blog category: Yahoo. Why? Because occasionally I post stuff about work, so I might as well categorize. Plus, some private e-mail has convinced me that it might be a good idea. (You know who you are. I think.)

Now let's see if I can not be stupid about what I use it for.

Posted by jzawodn at 10:31 PM

I have the power!

So, I called the power company promptly at 8am to find out what they were smoking. The allowed me to pay by credit card so that I could get reactivated today (and pay a $40 "reconnection fee" for the privilege).

I asked if they'd keep the information on file and use it from now on so that I didn't have to depend on the the postal system. No, they won't. I can call them every month and tell them my CC number and they'll gladly bill it. But they won't keep my information and save me the hassle.

I get the feeling that they were put on this plant to ensure that I have hassles to deal with.

My power was on 1 hour later.

So now I can be pissed at them with the lights on, at least. I have to find the time to bitch to the PUC about them. And remember to fill out the form that lets them take money directly from my checking account. In the meantime, I need to figure out why the payment never arrived. Luckily, I know the folks behind the scenes at Yahoo! BillPay.

Posted by jzawodn at 10:21 PM