Given my complete disinterest in writing anything interesting for the next day or few, I've created a Giftmas 2004 photoset on Flickr. I'll probably be adding more pics over the next few days.
The shots are coming from a mix of my Philips KEY010 wearable digital cameara and my Canon PowerShot S400. I really don't bother with my Motorola V710, since it takes such nasty pictures.
Speaking of Flickr photos, my Flickr photostream is at and its RSS feed is here.
Where are you stashing all your holiday pics?
Posted by jzawodn at December 24, 2004 04:28 PM
Are you one of those politically correct lameasses who won't refer to tomorrow as Christmas?
Not at all. I'd call it Christmas if Christ had anything to do with it in my mind. But it's been more about gifts for a long, long time.
Jeremy's right. CHRISTmas has been more about gifts for the last few decades, especially since the early 90's. And, the last couple of Politically Incorrect years have been enough to set the average person in America gagging.
Happy RamaHanuKwanzmas for most of us, Merry/Happy Winter Solostice to our Wiccan friends, and A very Merry "Sorry, You Lose" to the Athiests out there (God love em, one and all);-)
Considering Christ was not born on december 25th and the holiday is actually a pagan one (thank Constantine for this one) I think calling it anything but Christmass is more accurate anyway.
"Happy RamaHanuKwanzmas for most of us, Merry/Happy Winter Solostice to our Wiccan friends, and A very Merry "Sorry, You Lose" to the Athiests out there (God love em, one and all);-)"
Oh, so, _my_ religion is the only losing one? Nice. I actually had a very merry somethingmas eve (or lackofanythingmas eve), and I was filled with gratitude that, um, various processes had brought us all there together. And Happy New Year!
Are you claiming to know the date that Jesus was born?
1. A Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus.
It's not a Pagan holiday. Many traditions were borrowed from Yule.
No, I don't claim it, historians do. The most popular theory puts it in september.
Christmas date was specifically chosen to fall on the feast of son of Isis to make conversion to Christianity easier for pagans.
Do a google search, it's all true.
Yule was from northern europe and the traditions borrowed for christmas came later.
The tree thing is from 16th century or so.
I thin the tree thing started earlier, since it's also a pagan, pre-christian habit.
Merry Christmas!!
Things look really cold out there. In India and perticularly in Bangalore things are much better and cosy.
The turkey looks kinda bland according to the spice standards out here :)
forgive my posting, but i have no other idea as to how to get intouch with you. i have published a book entitle "I want my foreskin for giftmas." just letting you know since youre a fellow follower of the holiday.
yours, carl