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Janet Evans

Pictured: Janet Evans (left) and Mel (right).

The three words or phrases that best describe Janet:

Hm. I don't even know where to start on this one. Janet was the most important person in my life for five years. We began dating in high-school, came to BGSU together, got an apartment together, and eventually separated. I could probably write a book about that experience. Dating Janet was, by the way, probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. I have only good things to say about her. (Wow. That's the short version.)

Janet is one of the most determined (and accomplished) people I've ever met. Ever since I've known her (which is almost exactly as long as I've known Chris Bernard) she has had goals for her future, and she has worked relentlessly to achieve them. When she goes after something, she doesn't let obstacles like time, money, complexity, and lack of experience get in her way. Instead, she dives right in and finds ways to get around any roadblocks that get in her way.

I don't mean to suggest that she's all work and no play. Whenever we all got together on Friday nights, over the weekends, or at random other times to blow off steam and have fun, Janet was there. She was always enthusiastic and fun, and she always seemed to have a suggestion for "what should we do tonight" when others couldn't come up with anything.

Janet taught me a lot about what's really important in life: the people who are close to me, enjoying life, and not taking things too seriously (though she was quite guilty of this at times).

I think one of the reasons I was initially attracted to Janet is that she's quite intelligent. Apparently she spent way too much time learning things as a child, but that's cool. I liked having someone I could talk with about virtually anything and still be guaranteed that it'd be an intelligent conversation.

During her time at BGSU, she switched majors a few times. Math education, Chemistry, and Psychology each took turns being her discipline of choice for a while. She could have done equally well in all three of them, but she eventually settled on Psychology. In the end, she ended up kicking some major butt in Psychology (departmental awards and such) and continuing on toward a Masters or Ph.D. at the University of Rhode Island, where she currently is with her boyfriend Sean. Can you believe it? She's dating outside of Prout Table. Traitor!

If nothing else, I think Janet deserves an award of some kind. She did manage to put up with me for five years. ;-)

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Jeremy D. Zawodny / jzawodn@bgnet.bgsu.edu

Updated: April 19th, 1997