[ Cover Page ] [ Page One ] [ Our
Memories ]
Memorable Traditions
Some things just kept coming back...
- "Scare Hug!"
- Sunday brunch at Founders.
- The guys never let the girls walk
alone at night.
- "Pee louder!"
- "Doh!"
- Backrubs
- Tom Gorman at Pollyeyes.
- Pollyeyes breadsticks.
- New Year's
Eve at Anne's. (pic)
- Cedar Point
- "Haha!"
- X-Files every week.
- Animaniacs!
- The Tick.
- "Woohoo!"
- Flowers on Sweetest Day.
- X-Mas
- Star Trek in Jer's
(and Sam's) room.
- The Box.
- Using Prout Table in our homework (and honors projects, I
might add).
- "Yes. Have some."
- Bachelor parties.
- "Skittles!"
- Prout Gravity...
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Jeremy D. Zawodny
/ jzawodn@bgnet.bgsu.edu
Updated: March 1st, 1997