I was looking at my referral logs recently and noticed a couple hits from google searches for "lesbian spanking stories" hitting one of my pages. Wondering what the heck could have cause Google to think I had written about lesbian spanking stories, I checked the page.
Sure enough, there was an old bit of comment spam I had missed. Amusingly, the spam didn't provide any links back to the pr0n site but did put me relatively high in the ranking for that search phrase.
Heh. I guess that spam backfired.
Anyway, that led to a few more comments I missed. So, thanks to lesiban spanking stories, I now have a bit less comment spam.
Who'd have thought?
Posted by jzawodn at September 01, 2005 05:21 PM | edit
We're looking for our cousin Katherine Mabe Zawodny. The last information we had was she was a nurse, her husband's name was Kenneth and they lived in Ohio. Are you related to her? We apologize for being off topic, but we're hoping you can help.
Thank you.
I have a similar story Jeremy - so I wrote ABOUT referer spam logging and included some log entries as an example - see http://www.komar.org/faq/scumbags/referrer-log-spamming/sexxx-links.net.txt ... and that page ranks #51 in Google for "sexx" ... so I got over a hundred inbounds for that term last month - sheesh!
Now that's just classic! Gotta love the irony that it improved your page rank and not the spammer's.