The feedback from my experiment has been more negative than positive, so I'm going to cease those postings. If you want to subscribe to my links, please use the linkblog RSS feed.
A few folks said they're like a way of commenting on them. I've got a solution for that coming soon, so stay tuned. If nothing else, this has been a fun little MT hacking project.
Thanks for the public and private feedback. It sure beats trying to read minds...
Posted by jzawodn at September 01, 2005 09:47 AM | edit
Could you create a feed without and and feed with? I like the feed.
I use feedburner, and they have some functionality that allows you to incorporate your links into your feed on a daily basis or as they are added. I don't currently use it, because daily seems too frequent. I'm hoping that they'll add an option to splice in links on a weekly basis instead. I think a weekly frequency would be more acceptable to readers.
Mike: yes. I will probably do that once I get the commentable version on-line.