As Josh notes, the long awaited MC Hawking CD is now available. And there's even a hilarious Flash "commercial" for the disc.

I haven't bought a physical CD in quite some time. But the iTunes Music Store isn't likely to carry it, so I'm ordering my copy right now.

Sadly, their on-line store doesn't accept PayPal, so I have to enter my fu*%ing payment info yet again. More on-line payment insanity I guess. :-(

Posted by jzawodn at June 23, 2004 01:35 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# Derek said:

Actually, their online store DOES take PayPal, it's just not really clear how to do it unless you dig in looking for it:

To make a payment via PayPal, please use the "Order by Mail/Fax" option at checkout, then enter your BUYSWAG order number below and click the PayPal Payments button."

A bit kludgy, admittedly... :-)

on June 24, 2004 03:41 AM
# lol said:

paypal sucks the donkeys butt.

on June 24, 2004 08:24 PM
# Nick Benson said:

I hope iTMS does carry it. Amazon will, starting in a few hours (Midnight EST). Either way, I will be spending money on this.

on December 6, 2004 06:15 PM
# Lee said:

It is, in fact, on the iTunes Music Store as of today.

on December 14, 2004 09:10 AM
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