Order High Performance MySQL from Amazon.com You can find a complete copy of the Replication chapter from High Performance MySQL (my book) over on dev.mysql.com.

Read it.

Learn something.

Then buy a copy.

Learn even more.

Marvel at your new MySQL knowledge.

Then send me a good resume so I can get you a job here at Yahoo.

Or not. :-)

About a month ago, they also posted the full text of chatper 6 (Performance Tuning). If that doesn't convince you to buy a copy, then I'm out of luck. We're not giving them anymore chapters to put up.

(Hmm. This may be the first time I've pimped my book at my employer in the same blog entry. Weird.)

Posted by jzawodn at June 23, 2004 02:01 PM

Reader Comments
# Nico said:

I just thought: "hey, great, replication, how nice to get a sample chapter!" and then I remembered that I bought the book a few weeks ago... great book, btw! :)

on June 23, 2004 02:23 PM
# justin said:

off topic: i've got some more gmail invites.
see my blog

on June 23, 2004 03:18 PM
# dave118@hotmail.com said:

nice job on the book. I bought a copy from overstock (cheaper than amazon and free shipping..no I don;t own stock in it) about a month ago and I'm still finding little nuggets here and there as I reread it. plus the size of the book is nice too...easier to lug around than clinton's autobiography.

on June 23, 2004 03:47 PM
# jim winstead said:

we'll just have to publish chapters from other books!

on June 23, 2004 06:07 PM
# Tim A said:

I don't even need to checkout the sample chapters. I put in my order earlier today based on reading previous nuggets of info from Jeremy over the years.

on June 23, 2004 06:24 PM
# Jenny price said:

First I want to say it is a great book that helped
me a lot with understanding how MySql works and how to push it's limits as I have noticed in my sites the main reason a dynamic site is slowed and even crashes a lot of virtual private servers is poor MySQL queries constructions and with this book I had learned how to optimize server performance resulting in a much better value for money in terms of hosting cost's!

on June 23, 2004 06:53 PM
# justin said:

Judicious usages of the EXPLAIN command can also help enormously. If you've got crappy indexing, your site will slow to a crawl....

on June 24, 2004 03:14 AM
# Stewart Vardaman said:

Too late -- I already bought the book. :)

Just wanted to say it's been helpful for a number of things. It's stilling on [b]top[/b] of my regular pile of O'Reilly titles at the office.

on June 27, 2004 04:49 PM
# Richard Thomas said:

I bought the book, does that get me a interview at yahoo?

on June 28, 2004 12:48 PM
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