I just realized that
I've been remiss in updating my flying blog. I hadn't
touched it at all during the month of December.
After spending a bit of quality time with my log book and re-reading some of the recent club e-mail, I've added about five new entries. They cover everything from my DG-1000 checkout (and loops) to some scenic flying on the Wright Brother's 100th Anniversary earlier this week (pictures). It's been a good month of flying so far. I've been able to fly in a Piper Archer, completed my DG-1000 checkout (obviously), and even got some great thermal flying in the Pegasus last weekend.
Also, I recently joined the West Valley Flying Club so that I can also work on my power license (you know, planes with actual engines) in 2004. And now there's even talk of buying a Fox. It should be a fun year for flying!
Posted by jzawodn at December 20, 2003 10:53 PM
I heard on the news that Italy is selling some of their old war planes for $10K each. Maybe you can get one of those.