When I went to fly
the DG-1000 on Friday, I was talking to Drew about the sorts of
gliders to shop around for if a couple of us decide to partner up and
buy something. We're thinking of looking for something with a 40:1
glide and in the $30,000 ballpark. He suggested looking at any of:
LS-4, DG-300, or Pegasus. His advice confirmed what we already
He then told me of the MDM-1 Fox he found for sale in Texas. It's apparently in new condition, with only 100 hours on it so far. He'd like to put together a club of 10-20 people who'd like to chip in to buy it. The Fox is an amazing acro glider. It's capable of +9/-7 Gs and is a two-seater. It consistently wins or comes in second place in the international aerobatic glider competitions.
After doing a bit more with loops (and a hammerhead that Brett demonstrated) in the DG-1000, I'm thinking that I just might be up for it. It sounds like a blast to fly.
More on the Fox:
Must decide soon...
Posted by jzawodn at December 20, 2003 10:41 PM
You are right! The fox is the Beautyfullest Sailplane at the World! I was Flown on it as a guest... the G force is amazimg!!! (!!!Whoa!!!)