A few days ago I noted that I need a link blog. Since laziness is often the mother of invention, I've created one. From the outside it's little more than an RSS feed and a sidebar labeled "recent linkblog links" on my main blog homepage.

Subscribe here

Behind the scenes, it's a separate MovableType powered weblog that I've stripped down to just two simple templates. This allows me to post to it using my handy command-line tools. Someday I should write up how I put it together.

This should reduce the clutter on my main weblog, allowing me to focus there on writing about things I really care about without being distracted by propagating miscellaneous links.

Posted by jzawodn at November 22, 2003 12:12 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# Arve said:

[Shameless self-promotion ahead]

For those seeking the easy way out, I'm using trackbacks to manage my bookmark list.

The two articles explaining how are at:
http://www.virtuelvis.com/archives/68.html and http://www.virtuelvis.com/archives/83.html.

Furthermore, I've also made a couple of templates: http://www.virtuelvis.com/archives/131.html

on November 22, 2003 01:49 PM
# Emmanuel said:

I have also just started one myself. Are you automatically updating your main site every time you post a new link? If so, how have you solved it?

on November 24, 2003 11:51 PM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

My main site actually pulls the data dynamically. There's a template in my linkblog that writes out the data for that sidebar module to a text file. That file is sucked in automatically whenever you view my blog home page.

on November 25, 2003 12:15 AM
# web dizayn said:

Type your comment here.

After you submit the comment, check your email. There will be
a link you need to click to make your comment visible.

Your email address WILL NOT appear on the site, so don't worry
about being anonymous, even if you think you are.

on January 21, 2008 02:23 PM
# Mark said:

I'm fed up with people, stealing, making loads of money, and we have to pay for it? It may just be TV for some people but to me I can't afford the Sports Package and I don't want to be a thief either.

on May 18, 2010 10:49 AM
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Privacy: I do not share or publish the email addresses or IP addresses of anyone posting a comment here without consent. However, I do reserve the right to remove comments that are spammy, off-topic, or otherwise unsuitable based on my comment policy. In a few cases, I may leave spammy comments but remove any URLs they contain.