Does anyone know what the average "burnout rate" for webloggers is? You know, if you were trying to figure how how likely someone was to abandon their blog in the first 3, 6, or 12 months. What would that number be?
Do most bloggers stick with it? Or it it more like dieting, where most people are good for the first month or so, but then if becomes more of an occasional activity?
I have no idea to begin looking for that kind of info, but suddenly I find myself wanting to know...
Posted by jzawodn at May 15, 2003 09:28 PM
I'm coming up on six years this August, there have been periods of inactivity at some points along the way, but as far as stopping, I don't see it happening...
Five years soon, and still going strong. I've been stupid enough not to save any real archives for the first few years, though...
It's like Sex. When you first start doing it with someone, you do it a lot. A few times a day. Then it gets more routine, less novel. So you start doing it every other day. And then you get married, get settled into your adult life, and only do it 3-4 times a month.
I think that's the pattern that best fits my blogging habits.
I am sure some of this could be extracted from the Organica database, but I have no time to look right now.