April 14, 2003

Conference Pictures

The few pictures I took came out like crap. So I have nothing to share. But thanks to "the other Jeremy" there are lots of pics on-line to see. (Oddly, he's not in any of his pictures--not that I saw, at least.)

When you find the pics that I'm in, you're free to laugh. In fact, you'll probably be wondering "what the... was going on?!"

I'll I have to say is this. Beware of MySQL salespeople bearing alcoholic beverages. They may not look evil or sound evil, but they sure can be. :-)

I had a blast. I hope everyone else did too.

Posted by jzawodn at 10:40 PM

MySQL Conference Talks On-Line

Well, I'm still digging myself out of a pile of stuff to do. I haven't updated my MySQL page *yet*, but my presentations are available in HTML and PDF format.

  • Managing MySQL Replication (HTML and PDF)
  • MySQL Optimization (HTML and PDF)

Warning: they're still a bit rough, but I've had enough requests that I figured I should get something on-line for now. Lots of other stuff has taken priority for a bit. More on that later.

As always, they're better in person. You should have been at the conference. :-)

Posted by jzawodn at 10:27 PM


Something is broken (suddenly) in my MT install.


Posted by jzawodn at 04:09 PM