Things will be fairly quiet here for next couple of weeks. Not only are the end of year holidays a good time to unplug (a bit) and focus on other stuff, we're going to be traveling a bit and likely won't have much in the way of Internet access starting on Sunday the 23rd.
You may remember late July when I announced that I'm Engaged. Well, this trip will be a combination of Honeymoon and Wedding (in that order) for me and Kathleen. And I couldn't be happier about it. :-)
We're going to be on an African Safari in Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar.
When we return in mid-January, I'll have a lot to write about and many, many pictures to share. In the meantime, put the mouse away for a bit and enjoy some time off with friends and family.
If we get a chance, I'll try to post a photo and a quick update from overseas, but I'm not expecting much of a chance to do that.
Enjoy the holidays!
Posted by jzawodn at December 22, 2007 08:45 AM | edit
Have a GREAT time, Jeremy!!! Congratulations in advance to you and Kathleen. And safari in Africa, I'm jealous. Take lots of pictures, and have a happy holiday and very happy new year!
Enjoy!!!!! See you on the flip side, perhaps you will have an epiphanal movement while you unplug.
Congrats! Best wishes to you and Kathleen, and enjoy the trip.
Congratulations, Jeremy!! Enjoy the wild life, errr, wildlife.
which safari operator did you choose? We are looking to do the same in a year or two?
Enjoy the trip!
Jeff: I'll write it all up when we're back, but have a look at
We've got packing to do today!
Congratulations on the wedding. Enjoy the honeymoon! Best Wishes!
Congrats and enjoy Africa! I have incredibly fond memories of being on safari in South Africa.
Words to live by while out in the bush: do not break the profile of the jeep.
Animals apparently perceive a jeep as one thing until somebody stands up. Then all bets are off.
congratulations to getting married and to a wonderful honeymoon. I did Tanzania and Zanzibar for my honeymoon two years ago so I know it will be amazing.
Have fun.
Oliver (my photos:
yay! holy ch ch ch changes ! great news, happy honeymoon!
Congrats to you both :) I look forward to bumping into you sometime after you're back.
Have a fantastic honeymoon and all the best for your future.