Last week, in At Defrag Conference, I wondered a bit about what I'd discuss in my presentation.

And I think that from there I can talk about the socialization of the Internet and tools/sites we use every day. But I can also go in a slightly different way, talking about the "internet-based tools" and "transform loads of information into knowledge", and how we (Yahoo) can be suppliers of technology and services at many points in that chain.

It turns out that I ended up doing something closer to the later of those two. The video from my talk is now available via YDN Theather and I'm pretty happy with how it came out--especially when you consider the uncertainty over what people at the conference would want to hear, the fact that I was right before lunch, and the fact that I'd never done this talk before.

download (m4v)

I even managed to mostly stay within the alloted time.

There really isn't a strong message or conclusion other than "things are still in progress and not all sorted out yet", but that's pretty consistent with the discussions at the conference.

We shot a few other videos at Defrag too.

  • Dick Hardt of Sxip on Perl, Mozilla, Open Source, Identity, and more...
  • Phil Windley on government, information technology, on-line marketing, identity, and more...

A couple more will be online soon.

Posted by jzawodn at November 15, 2007 09:58 AM

Reader Comments
# valleyblogzine said:

Very well organized talk and very insightful. You prediction about hadoop and pig becoming the next programming pardigm given a lot of people are relying on cloud computing is very interesting and very likely to happen. IBM's news about providing cloud computing services seems to hint that it definitely marks the beginning of distributed computing for the masses. On the pricing model for web services some companies such as Salesforce seem to have a model for that. One other point, I think a lot more infrastructure needs to be invested on pipes to make it perform and scale.

on November 15, 2007 04:16 PM
# Deepak said:

Great talk. The concept of social networks without context really resonated.

Of course, Hadoop, etc are the way of the future. Good to see Yahoo supporting that project. EC2/S3 + Hadoop is the future of computing IMO.

on November 18, 2007 07:36 PM
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