Say what you will about YouTube, but not a week goes by that someone doesn't point me at an aviation video that I might not have otherwise seen. That, for example, the Boeing 777 Wing Load Test.
I have seen a few videos of wing stress tests from various sailplanes, but nothing nearly this big before. It seems that no matter how big or small the aircraft is, when the wings start to fail, they really let loose!
Posted by jzawodn at January 30, 2007 02:23 PM | edit
Wow - I can't believe the angle that wing was flexed at before it snapped.
That musta been a **loud** crack when that went...
This was on the last Diggnation... very cool video.
I used to work in aerospace. As a regulated industry, safety is job #1. Everyday on our intranet, the corporate news would list all the plane crashes (if any) that happened that day and whether or not they had any of our parts on that plane.
Now if only websites or software had that kind of testing and concern....
Hello Jeremy,
Here's a short aviation video you might like..
Someone uploaded it to my site recently and I thought it was just amazing.
Note that the failure at 154% was as predicted by the engineers per their comments at the end. It's easy to over-design things ... but then you end up overweight. Nice job by the Boeing Gang.
Nice video, I wonder how long (time-wise) can it last at 150%.