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gmail related topics

I noticed today that in place of Web Clips and the normal Sponsored Links, I sometimes see "related topics." A few searches reveal little discussion of this elsewhere, so I'm wondering if it might be a small bucket test.

Anyone know?

Posted by jzawodn at September 28, 2006 08:42 AM | edit

Reader Comments
# Sayam Khan said:

I saw this a little while ago. I also saw non-ad boxes on the right side, saying something like "more information".

I personally think this is an attempt to counter banner blindness. In some internal studies we have found acute banner blindness to gmail ads (specifics etc, can't discuss).

So how do you combat banner blindness? Don't show a banner, show something else interesting, and stimulate eye movement to the blind spots.

Just my theory. I would do that if I were them.

on September 28, 2006 09:03 AM
# Abhi said:

What caught my eye was that there just one unread mail in your inbox? How do you deal with your inbox?

on September 28, 2006 09:37 AM
# Beth Clemenson said:

I've seen it on several occasions. I just generally ignored it. Untill this last month I didn't even know what Sponsored Search was (in training for Y!SM at the moment).
It's been going on for at least a year. It is pretty accurate as to what the email subjects are.

on September 28, 2006 10:00 AM
# Charlie Sierra said:

I still see the Ads, but I'm not a hipster in SV.

on September 28, 2006 10:07 AM
# Ola said:


filters and archiving filtered emails can send emails directly to labels.

on September 28, 2006 11:00 AM
# Ed Kohler said:

I suppose they need to show something relevant their from time to time so you won't train yourself to tune out the ads. I haven't seen it. Do you remember where the links went? Were they to web search results? Google Base?

on September 28, 2006 02:56 PM
# Gray Norton said:

These links lead to pages full of sponsored links. Yes, ads. I believe AdSense publishers have had this presentation as an option for quite some time -- doesn't take up a lot of screen real estate and isn't presented as ad content, but is basically just another way of delivering ads.

on September 29, 2006 09:43 AM
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