I'm up at Gnomedex before heading out for the 4th of July holiday. I haven't had a chance to write up everything going on here, but it appears that I really don't need to. There's a ton of stuff that you can find on Technorati.

My discussion session starts at about 3:00pm today and I'm considering using it as an open bitch session about social software and social media.

That should be fun. :-)

I'm in Nevada with some family next week, so things are likely to be slow around here.

Posted by jzawodn at July 01, 2006 01:37 PM

Reader Comments
# grumpY! said:

with regards to your bitchfest comments:

- many of your comments are with regards to silicon valley types being out of touch with the real people who use these services. this is particularly germane for yahoo, which has taken over aol's position as the mass-market internet brand. but is this really reflected in yahoo's key platform initiatives in social computing and rehashing perfectly functional products with copious dhtml frosting?

- as for asking your parents what they might like in a social networking site - the categorical error here is assuming that these people want to have an online social network. this is a silicon valley assumption.

- agree totally regarding your comment about worrying about the information we put online. within a decade i predict legislation will exist to allow a person to form some sort of imposition on how their identity can be crawled and indexed, and many will seek to purge themselves from the metaindex. start now by never using your real name!

- one point i believe you are totally wrong on is your claim that age is an outdated marketing concept. the nicklodeon crowd and the aarp crowd are different. until i had kids i was unaware of how little i knew of culture for school-age children, particularly what they wanted mom and dad to buy. age totally matters.

- one point i would add to the bitchfest - smoke vs fire. the web industry loves talking about itself more than ever before, yet almost nothing interesting has emerged from this industry in a while now. 2006 has been a huge BLAH.

on July 2, 2006 11:18 PM
# Mark Maunder said:

Hi Jeremy,

I've lost your email addr, so a blog comment it is. A few days ago I looked out on lake sammamish - the lake I live on in WA just outside Seattle to see a plane with fat bush tires LANDING on the lake - that's the only way I can describe it. He was travelling at high speed and had his fat tires in contact with the water acting like skis on a sea plane - but was maintaining his speed and obviously had no intention of slowing down. My first thought was a possible control surface malfunction caused him to put down in the lake, so I raced up to my car but before I left to chase him down the lake I heard him start climbing in the distance.

So the guy was obviously psycho and showing off. But I had no idea you could even do that. It makes sense that really fat bush tires should act like skis on water, but all the googleing I've done has yielded zilch. Is this a first, or is skidding along a glassy lake on fat tires a popular pastime for bored bush pilots?


on July 3, 2006 03:22 AM
# Jeremiah Owyang said:

I wish I attended that Therapy session, I was at Chris's at Bloggercon --too much fun

Some of the issues really resonated with me, I posted about it!


on July 3, 2006 10:29 AM
# Saulet Lanier said:

RE: “Low point of the day was the discussion led by Jeremy Zawodny which came across as a profiling of ‘older people’ as unable to operate the internet or a computer without massive browser rewrites or something…”

noded, 2 July 2006

If you are quoted corectly above, Mr. Zawodny, shame on you. Newspapers were early adapters of computer technology, and it's possible I was using a form of HTML before you were born. I was using the 'net before there was a WWW on a Kaypro computer that used CPM language. Wake up, young whippersnapper.

on July 7, 2006 06:59 AM
# Yu Shan Chuang said:

I liked the b*t*chfest, however a problem with all the sessions at Gnomedex was the "old guard" got to speak too much. The room was so large that it seemed like the same people spoke over and over again. These same people who were given the same opportunities at Bloggercon a week ago, didn't have much new insight to contribute and seemed to like to hear their own voice. Any thoughts as a moderator on this?

Overall I liked the session and you were able to deflect harsh opinions into topics for discussion. My favorite part was when you said you forget what people know already and what they don't know when asked to share more knowledge about Yahoo!.

on July 7, 2006 10:14 AM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:


The whole session was recorded by at least one video camera. I suggest you wait until the videos are available before trying to accuse me of anything.

on July 8, 2006 07:29 AM
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