performancing metrics Nick has just announced the availability of Performancing Mertrics, which he describes as "a professional grade blog statistics service aimed at professional bloggers."

I was invited into the closed beta test but unfortunately didn't find the time to set it up on my site. I ran Google Analytics for a month or so but quietly removed it a while back. While there was some interesting data porn, I didn't actually need it or the performance penalty that came with running it.

If their Firefox extension is any indication, I suspect that Performancing Metrics will rock too.

Posted by jzawodn at March 14, 2006 03:51 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# Abu Hurayrah said:

I realize that this option may not be available to anyone, but what does a service like Performancing Metrics (or Mertrics, depending on your bent) get you that analyzing your own server weblogs doesn't? Wait...let me click on the link first before going further...

Okay, if I understand it correctly, it is going to embed something in the page (apparently customized for blogging application) that will track the page views. Aside from aggregating the data with the other sites they're tracking, what's the draw?

I've noticed that a lot of sites use google-analytics, and I know this because (as you've hinted already) I can see the URL in my browser's status bar - because it takes time for the script to load. If this behavior (either delay or additional loading) is going to occur with the Performancing weblog extension, I'll be honest - it's going to get a lukewarm reception from me.

(Sorry to sound so cynical, I'm really not...maybe you can better explain to us what it will actually do for you?)

on March 17, 2006 07:33 AM
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