Tonight (5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern), Tim and I will have Kevin Burton of TailRank and Rojo fame on the air for an hour-long conversation on If you've got questions you'd like us to ask or stuff to talk about, drop a comment here and I'll see what we can do.
This is only our second show (first one was last month), so we're still working out some kinks. Feedback is always appreciated. Also, if you can think of anyone (at Yahoo or elsewhere) you'd like us to bring on as guests, fire away!
Posted by jzawodn at January 25, 2006 11:14 AM | edit
Personally I would like to see you have Matt Cutts as a guest. I'm pretty sure that no SEO would miss that show.
Hey guys, can't wait for tonights show!
Matt Cutts, how funny...everyone is scrambling for him on the air. From what I have heard, he's confirmed for this next weeks SEO Rockstars. But personally, I'd love to see Tim and Jeremy have him on too!
Dang! There's a Jeremy Cast? How cool. I'm there.
I'd like to hear from:
Amr Awadallah of Yahoo
Phil Kaplan of Adbrite/F*dcompany fame about his take on the future of contextual ads
Caterina Fake of Yahoo
Founders on philanthropy (Yang,Filo,Brin,Page)