Ever since college, a small group of friends has had a really, really long running joke. You see, most of us got to know each other while servicing the computer labs at Bowling Green State University (beware lots of scary orange on that site) as part of the "Lab Tech" team. We had a tiny little office with way to many computers and computer geeks in it most of the time.
Before long, we'd begun to develop our own little subculture, inside jokes, and lingo. Part of that history is an endless string of "Keith's Mom" jokes. Keith is one of our original members, of course. Every group has something like this, right?
Anyway, I was looking through my Flickr RSS feeds earlier today and ran across the picture you see here in the Arizona Pool, which I highly recommend if you're at all into pictures of the southwest desert and such.
No, I'm not going to explain the joke. Use your imagination. :-)
Since all my friends know that I have a sick (as in "disgusting") mind, I wasn't at all surprised when the first thought that occurred to me upon viewing that photo was: Keith's Mom!
(I believe this is the first time that I've ever had to think about how best to explain a photo I felt compelled to blog, even though I was likely to be the only one amused by it.)
Posted by jzawodn at November 28, 2005 01:25 PM | edit
To be fair, it could just as well be Andy's mom.
of course since he got that Black Belt, the Andy's Mom jokes have kinda tapered off.
That Keith's Mom joke must've left with you guys. It was certainly replaced by a few others in Hayes.
Of course now Keith needs to say something about Andy's mom, or he could just send some pron. (Or delete a whole bunch). This all really started during Walley Ball Sunday nights and carried over into Lab-Tech.
Do you adhere to the "mom" rule that bars you from making any further jokes once you have met your friends mother?
This makes me not feel so bad about what my coworkers and I say during the day. Man, it gets bad sometimes.
Nobody has ever met Keith's Mom and lived to tell their story...
Hey Anjan, would the first intial of the person in Hayes that took Keith's mom's place happen to begin with "C"? If so, they had a whole other catagory of jokes dedicated to them. :)
Actaully, you can't insert Keith's mom. Things can (and invariably are) inserted INTO Keith's Mom.
Of course, if we take shots at Keith's mom, our own mothers become targets?
Back to the picture... Hmm... Keith's mom's butt is so big that she could fall into the...
My name is Keith and I used to work with Jeremy at BGSU, but not as a "Lab tech". So I am not the Keith of "Keith's mom" - or at least, I am not aware if I am!