I'm headed out to the annual WebmasterWorld "PubCon" in Las Vegas this morning. I'm participating in two panel discussions: the Blogging for Fun and Profit super session and RSS Feeds and Pod Casting.
I'll be there for the whole conference this time, so look me up if you're in the neighborhood. And don't forget the Yahoo! Party tonight at Cesar's. It should be a lot of fun again this year.
Posted by jzawodn at November 15, 2005 06:23 AM
When are you going to get a chance to use that new DC headset? Thinking of getting the same set and I'm wondering how you like them.
It's been a few weeks, but I've been using them on every lesson. I've owned the headset for about 2 years now.
You. Have. A. Rough. Job.
One week Bangalore and party. Next, Taiwan and eat various different foods. Then Vegas and party. Then home and fly between trips.
Does Yahoo have any more job openings like this?
Does that mean I can forward you all my mail when I'm traveling?
Do you want to attend my meetings for me too?
That would rock.
Okay, Jeremy must have 5,000,000,000 frequent flyer miles by now.
Absolutely - make sure all checks are endorsed to me!
Meetings? Those aren't work - just eating donuts and trying to look like you're not day-dreaming.
Hi Jeremy
How are you. I understood that you are travelling a lot these days. May be I can help you giving a tip from Frobes to avoid Jet Lag.
© Dave Klug
Reset Your Watch
Don't think about the time at home. Look ahead. Prior to takeoff, reset your watch to the time at your destination. Some find this small step helps them adjust to the time difference.