This is the funniest thing I've seen today, aside from CNet blogging about parking at Yahoo. The folks at SatireWire decided to interview Ask Jeeves and ended up with amusing results.

It seems that we've haven't come that far since Eliza, have we? ;-)

Posted by jzawodn at July 18, 2005 07:03 PM

Reader Comments
# André said:

lol, good stuff. Just what I needed to cheer me up on a rainy day like today :)

on July 19, 2005 06:18 AM
# Ron Bell said:


But I think we're all better off without search engines that liken to Eliza. They'd get no traffic at all...

QUERY: porn

ENGINE: Are you really interested in PORN?

QUERY: yes

ENGINE: You seem quite certain.

QUERY: Just the query, damn it!

ENGINE: Why do you want to DAMN the PORN?

QUERY: Just give me the results.

ENGINE: You are quite emphatic about that.

QUERY: Give me the porn!!

ENGINE: You seem quite excited about that.

QUERY: I'd LIKE to be ...

on July 19, 2005 07:22 AM
# anon said:

of course, this is like 6 years old.

on July 19, 2005 07:54 AM
# Michael Moncur said:

...and Satirewire stopped production in 2002.

This was definitely one of their best, though.

on July 19, 2005 11:32 AM
# Kevin Burton said:

Super funny but yes... super old.

I guess its funny again since I haven't read it in 6 years :)

on July 19, 2005 03:36 PM
# Nicolegrants Kidman said:

Dont play with me boy

on July 27, 2005 11:06 AM
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