In Make Your Backup Singers Your Stars, Steve Rubel mentions me and Robert Scoble and then says:

And unlike the rock stars, these performers love to leave the stage and mingle with their audience. So as you think about creating PR programs, use the technologies to transform your backup singers into stars.

I have two responses to this:

  1. I try to avoid "performing" when at all possible. Instead I try to just be myself and tell it like it is. To my ear, performing is something that sounds scripted, rehearsed, and polished. I'm rarely any of those.
  2. Blogging is much less about technology and more about attitudes (openness), policies, and control. As time goes on, fewer and fewer of us will even think much about the technology. We shouldn't be focusing on that.

Oh, and thanks for the vote of confidence. I really enjoy my job and the fact that The Company is tolerant of my public presence--even encouraging it in many cases.

Posted by jzawodn at July 17, 2005 09:32 PM

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