It seems that springtime allergies are hitting once again, so I've turned to my old friend Benadryl.

On the plus side, those little pink pills really work. The sniffles, sneezing, and runny nose are gone in about 40 minutes. But this effectiveness comes at a price. I find that the first few hits of the season manage to reduce my mental and physical energy in a dramatic way. I feel like a walking zombie.

Luckily the season is pretty short for me and the effects tends to become more mild after repeated use. So, I end up using Benadryl more than any of the other over the counter allergy medications.

But I haven't tried all of them. Have you found one that works wonders without the side effects?

Posted by jzawodn at April 27, 2005 11:02 AM

Reader Comments
# Anjan said:

Allegra D. Works like a charm and haven't had side effects.

on April 27, 2005 11:08 AM
# rr said:

You should be taking one of the non-sedating meds (Claritin, Allegra, etc.).

on April 27, 2005 11:12 AM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

Hmm, there are a few I haven't tried on that list.

I note that you pointed at an aviation medicine site. I never take this stuff when I'm flying. I've noticed that once I'm above 3,000 feet or so, the allergies aren't a problem. :-)

on April 27, 2005 11:22 AM
# rr said:

Just note that the wait time is 12-24 hours after last use. Also note that the good stuff (Claritin, Allegra) takes a while to become fully effective. Take it every day for a couple weeks and see what you think.

(lifelong allergy sufferer)

on April 27, 2005 11:32 AM
# jim winstead said:

i’ve had reasonable luck with loratadine, which is generic over-the-counter claritin. i did notice with this year's onset of allergy season that i got a few (minor) nosebleeds while taking it. after about the first week of the season, i generally don’t need the medication any more.

on April 27, 2005 11:50 AM
# cooper said:

Oh man, do I feel your pain on this. I have been a benadryl zombie for about 4 days now and it is making me nuts. Add to that a strange cold-snap in Atlanta, and it is killing me.

on April 27, 2005 11:59 AM
# Charles said:

Try Allegra, it's a miracle drug. I've tried them all, and this is the only one that works instantly without side effects. Skip the Allegra-D, that's just Allegra plus Sudafed, it's just a way for the vendor to reformulate the product and extend their patent.

on April 27, 2005 12:10 PM
# Feaverish said:

Claratin gets rid of the symptoms for me, without making me drowsy, but Flonase is where it's at. It not only keeps my allergies from acting up. but it widens my nasal passages and sinuses, making it a lot easier to breathe.

on April 27, 2005 12:20 PM
# Daniel said:

I use Tylenol Cold/Sinus, but Claritin-D works better for me, I think. Benadryl is only good for putting me to sleep.

on April 27, 2005 12:23 PM
# said:

Try Nasalcrom for your nose symptoms and Opticom eyedrops. The Nasalcrom takes 2 weeks to build to full effectiveness but you will probably find it much more effective than steroidal or antihistamine nasal sprays and with fewer side effects. It actually stops the mast cells in your nose from releasing histamine (i.e. one step in the allergic cascade before most other medicines).

on April 27, 2005 12:24 PM
# somedude said:

Personally, I've tried Claritin, Allegra, etc. but each of them give me strange symptoms...things like cotton mouth, or just feeling "tingly". The one I've settled on that does a great quick job on my allergies, yet has no side effects for me is Zyrtec.

on April 27, 2005 12:45 PM
# pmp said:

A benedryl and two Miller Lights. That was my secret recipe for getting to South America. Left from DC and I woke up in Buenos Aires. My feet were considerably swollen from not getting up for more than 9 hours. It did make for a nice plane trip.

on April 27, 2005 12:47 PM
# Aaron Brazell said:

I love Benadryl. I'm like a closet junkie. Makes me sleep for a good 12 hours at a time.

But for non-sedative ones, Claritin didin't really work well for me but Allegra did.

on April 27, 2005 01:05 PM
# said:

I love Benadryl. I'm like a closet junkie. Makes me sleep for a good 12 hours at a time.

But for non-sedative ones, Claritin didin't really work well for me but Allegra did.

on April 27, 2005 01:05 PM
# Chris said:

Claritin works well, and as an added bonus does have a minor "upper" effect.

on April 27, 2005 01:06 PM
# rich said:

Yeah, Allegra and Claritin are both OTC in Canada, and no-one uses Benadryl here.

on April 27, 2005 01:07 PM
# Aberoham said:

OTC and prescription drugs are great and all, but..

Chiropractic care may relieve allergy symptoms in some cases. Also something to closely examine is your diet.

My mother suffers from horrible spring-time allergies. Both my brother and I used to suffer as well, but haven't at all since wee started seeing a Chiropractor and keeping certain types of food (such as dairy products) out of our diets.

As always, YMMV.

on April 27, 2005 01:45 PM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

My chiropractor can't help much with this. She (and my previous one) both tried. They do great things for my back though. :-)

on April 27, 2005 01:59 PM
# Matt said:

I don't see anyone recommending Zyrtec yet. It's pretty remarkable how well it works and with zero side effects (taking anything with pseudoephedrine in it makes me want to jitterbug off a bridge). Get a few samples from your dr.

on April 27, 2005 02:20 PM
# Clayton O'Neill said:

I have fairly bad side effects from pollen allergies and take Zyrtec for it. I tried Claritin with not much luck. When I first started taking Zyrtec it made me feel a bit jittery, but I think that might have also been the steroid nasal spray I was taking. It's been working extremely well for me during the spring allergy season though.

on April 27, 2005 02:24 PM
# Erin said:

My friends and I call Benadryl the Pink Pony, because it carries you straight to dreamland. No stops, do not pass Go.

on April 27, 2005 02:38 PM
# Joe Taylor Jr. said:

I switched from Benadryl to Claritin when it first went OTC and it makes a huge difference. No side effects whatsoever, and I get to have a cat now. I once took Chlor-Trimeton when I was on the road -- it whooped me so bad that when I went to see "A Beautiful Mind" that night, I thought *I* was the one that was hallucinating!

on April 27, 2005 02:47 PM
# Don B said:

Ugh, I can't take Benadryl. My seasonal allergies were really bad last year so I tried it for the first time. I took one before bed, but ended up waking up in the middle of the night hyper and anxious. It was kind of a scary feeling so I wasn't keen on trying it again. Reactin seemed to do the trick though. I've built up some kind of resistence to Claritin.

on April 27, 2005 03:28 PM
# Ben Charlton said:

I use a mix of generic (and cheap) Loratadine and Cetirizine (di)hydrochloride - they're both over-the-counter once-every-24-hour pills here in the UK.

They don't *quite* last long enough for me, so I take one of the two alternately at roughly 12 hour intervals, covering me through the day, and for a good nights sleep...

on April 27, 2005 04:04 PM
# Ben Charlton said:

Of course, I forgot to mention that they're both non-drowsy, so I miss out on the zombie effect :)

on April 27, 2005 04:05 PM
# Doug said:

The point about diet is a good one. Also, if you're not taking a multivitamin already, start. I have found vitamin C in large doses (3-4 grams per day) helps with my allergy symptoms, but I will admit my allergies are pretty mild to begin with. Both diet and vitamins address the core problem -- your immune system overreacting to pollen -- rather than trying to hide the symptoms, which is what all the medications do.

on April 27, 2005 08:14 PM
# Suraj said:

Benadryl is one of the most abused meds in India by school-going-kids ;) Great for that 'zombified' feel.

on April 27, 2005 09:57 PM
# Allyn Edwards said:

My Allergist told me to stay away from Benedryl, as while it works, it makes you feel really drowsy. Other drugs such as Allegra and Claratin do the job just as well but don't make you feel so drowsy.

on April 28, 2005 12:18 AM
# Ruben said:

Benadryl knocks me out for the day. I avoid it at all costs.

I used to be on the usual pills (Claritin-D, Allegra-D, etc) but gave that up when I realized they only worked to reduce my congestion - and the "D" part is responsible for that effect, not the antihistamine ingredient. The antihistamines didn't help the sneezing or the inflammation (YMMV). Basically I could buy generic Sudafed for much cheaper and get the same result.

Nowadays, I'm on the nasal steroids (Flonase), and a Cortisone shot when it gets REALLY bad (once in January, maybe another in early summer). It's been a godsend, especially in Austin where the cedar can be unbearable at times. Combined with generic Sudafed, I'm in the best shape I've ever been allergy-wise.

on April 28, 2005 01:52 AM
# Jay said:

The other day, I picked up some Visine-A (Visine with antihistamines). I can live with the sniffling and sneezing, but the itchy eyes drive me to dementia. Lately, only my right eye has been blowing up, so I put some drops in the right, and left the other one alone. After about 20 minutes, I started to feel really loopy and disoriented. I couldn't figure out why, until I went to my workplace bathroom (I work at a SEM agency) to investigate. Apparently, Visine-A dilates your pupils like crazy, so my right pupil was about 4x bigger than my left. Learn from my mistake, Zawodniacs. Visine-A works, but ALWAYS put drops in both eyes.

on April 28, 2005 06:27 AM
# Jason Rutherglen said:

Hey Jeremy, going to another 106 Miles meeting? I take Benadryl at night, and Claritin in the morning. I drink a few coffees during the day to keep programming through the slight sedation of Benadryl, not to mention coffee keeps the code flowing for 10-12 hours, as required. This one-two-punch has done wonders, along with an inhaler before running on bad days. I'm allergic to everything, literally when I have received the skin allergy test, everything creates a large bump on my arm.

on April 28, 2005 02:53 PM
# Brian said:

Nobody's recommended Tavist (clemestine fumurate). Comparable effectiveness to Claritin (loratidine), I've never had problems with drowsiness. It's OTC. Don't buy brand name. Also, as someone else mentioned, don't bother buying the "-D".

on April 29, 2005 08:23 AM
# Art said:

Somedude, I've been using Claritin, and I am ashamed to admit I never connected the mild cottonmouth to the pill. :( I assumed it was general dehydration, too much caffeine, or an unhandled allergic reaction. :-)

I take the Claritin 24-hour non-drowsy (heck, maybe that's all Claritin) and that's the only side effect I've noticed. I can't take Benadryl because it'll put me to sleep right away, and I'll feel like an idiot with his brain in a fog for the next day. With the Claritin, I never had any other signal that I had "taken anything", except that I could breathe, didn't have headaches, etc.

The best thing I've done for allergies, at least around the apartment, is buying a good HEPA filter. I bought a Healthmate Jr. and in addition to not having any allergy problems while inside, it has eradicated some of our annoying neighbor smells that occasionally waft in.

The big downside is noise -- I bought a version that's rated a little smaller than our apartment, (hence the "Jr") because I had projected just using it in the bedroom. To get fast, solid results, I have to drive the fan on its maximum setting. I imagine a larger unit, run at a lower speed, would be quiet while being effective.

on April 29, 2005 09:42 PM
# Travis said:

I've light pollen/dust allergies and a more strong allergic aversion to cat exposure. Benadryl knocks me out and isn't worth it unless I've been bitten by fire ants. I usually stick to Actifed (triprolidine and pseudoephedrine) which I've been using for years now since I've found it effective and I've noticed no side-effects, including no noticeable drowsiness.

on May 2, 2005 11:15 AM
# Gregory Close said:

Another vote for Claratin (Loratadine). I use it every day, to cut down on allergy symptoms. No drowsiness, and effective. Benadryl is so 1960s! :-)


on May 2, 2005 04:45 PM
# Joe said:

My spring allergies had been getting a little worse each year, and meds seemed to get a little less effective each year. But a friend put me on to a diet-based solution that has actually worked so far: a daily dose of yogurt. I have been eating about a cup of plain yogurt almost every day for about 6 months now, and haven't had any allergy symptoms to speak of. I think there may even be legit science behind it - something to do with the beneficial bacteria in yogurt. But I'm no dietician...

on May 6, 2005 10:34 AM
# John said:

Like many of the other pollen-challenged respondents, I find Zyrtec the least offensive of the antihistamines. It does dry me out, but I can function almost normally. Ordinary Claritin, even taken in the morning, stops me from sleeping, and the non-drowsy sort sends me into a hyperactive frenzy.

What I have been doing for the last 15 years though to cut down antihistamines as far as possible, is to put generous quantities of Vaseline in my nostrils, renewing periodically, so that some of the pollen is caught before it gets to where it causes the problems. It's not a complete cure, but it turns what is sometimes a handicap into a mere nuisance. I can usually get through the grass pollen season (about 6 weeks here) with half a dozen Zyrtek pills, and feel much better for it. Strangely enough, the Vaseline cure donesn't seem to work so well for the tree pollen but perhaps it's because that seems to go more for my eyes than my nose.

on May 17, 2005 12:12 AM
# Joshua Allen said:

I have a long history with all of them. Benadryl and Dimetapp are the most recreational for achieving altered states of consciousness. Benadryl + Dimetapp + Sudafed is a great combination. Good for all-day meetings, bad for driving. Advil cold+sinus (just advil + sudafed, basically) is my favorite for allergy relief without side-effects. Honestly, if sudafed or claritin-d don't work for you, you should just get a prescription for Flonase. The OTC options between sudafed and flonase all have harsh side effects. Flonase has no side effects

on May 23, 2005 11:22 AM
# MaryBeth said:

Hey all,
New here, so please go easy. :)
Someone wrote:

"The Nasalcrom takes 2 weeks to build to full effectiveness but you will probably find it much more effective than steroidal or antihistamine nasal sprays and with fewer side effects."

I've had allergies for many years, finally went to an Allergy Clinic. I gave myself two shots twice a week, for 3 years. I decided to stop on my own. Now for about 8 yrs I only get mild symtoms. Lucky me. :)

Anyway, I can't stress enough for ppl to get off any steroids, if POSSIBLE, no matter how much, nor for how long, they have the ability to cause a bone disease, (they are finding it more and more), They tend to cut off the circulation of blood inside one's bones.
I was put on massive doses of Prednisone because of almost dying during a really nasty asthma attack.
Granted the amount that my PCP, (90 mgs daily for 4 months, then cut back and off, for another 4 months!!!) he basicly OD'd me. Therefore my damage has been worse than ppl that are on it for a long time, lower dose. But it can do quite a bit of damage, at those doses, too.

I do know that when I was on it I felt like a super woman. Ate a tot, didn'y gain weight, but did have horrible withdrawals.

I'd just like anyone on steroids to bring this up with your docs next time you see them. It's called Avacular Necrosis. The bones lose blood circulation, die, and rot away. The not so funny thing is that this is NEVER in any of the adverse reaction warnings. But after talking with my other docs, from my OB/GYN to my **veterinarian**, ALL asked if it was from steroid use.
Not telling anyone what to do, nor trying to scare ppl, just wanted to offer a heads up. I've lived in tremendous pain for the past 15 yrs with this, one knee replacement and many other surgeries. Wouldn't wish it on anyone else.

Thanks for letting me share that. :))

on July 10, 2005 02:44 PM
# amanda said:

Been there, done that, and now it's 2006 and Austin is in the throes of cedar fever... again... as usual. Believe it or not, after trying most of what has been mentioned so far, Benadryl is my best and last resort.

The good news for me has been ACUPUNCTURE. I had this allergy thing bad. My allergist stopped my cedar shots because I was reacting to the shots. Most of the OTCs give me the jitters and forget about sleeping at night, the usual prescription pills (Allegra, Claritin) didn't give me relief, nasal steroids worked but eventually made me retain fluid, my ozone air purifier worked but it's irritating to my family, and I became really stupid every time I took Benadryl (but it's a miracle when you're desperate). So I did a round of acupuncture and started on Chinese herb capsules, and I'm having a better allergy season. Some people are flat-out cured of their allergies by acupuncture. Mine are almost off the scale, though, so I'm happy to have some improvement.

I still take Benadryl occasionally when I get a snoot-full of cedar pollen or some horrific fragrance or aerosol. Then I just plan not to be mentally functional for about 24 hours. Extended use of Benadryl leads to antsy-ness and depression for me, so I don't keep it up.

your comrade-in-arms,

on February 3, 2006 08:14 PM
# Saharai said:

Used and abused...
I've taken Benadryl for several months on and off, both for hives and insomnia, but I think my body has grown a tolerance to it now D:. I took 7 pills last night for the hallucinations but alas, got nothing out of it. I wasn't even sleepy. Something tells me I didn't take enough...?

on February 23, 2006 06:20 PM
# Saharai said:

But for allergies...
Allegra. Most definately. I've suffered from chronic hives for a few years and NOTHING works better than that. Don't take the 50 mg, go for the higher dose. It's once-a-day and works like a charm ;)

on February 23, 2006 06:21 PM
# Alex said:

Argh, I've been suffering from itchy, watery eyes for about the past week. It's gotten so bad they actually hurt. Benedryl is fine for the nasal congestion and headaches, but it does nothing for my eyes. Claritin is the usual choice for me.

on April 24, 2006 02:32 PM
# liz said:

I am posting late so dont know if Jeremy will read, but this might help someone else. I ordered zyrtec after someone recommeded canandapharmacy on line. Zyrtec works great for me but I have to take 10mg in morning and 10mg at night.

I used to use benadryl and had to take 2 pills in the morning to stop the allergies in the spring. You can imagine that I was not very functional with that dosage. I have actually fallen asleep at my desk.

I recommend zyrtec and a nasal spray, possibly nasacort.

on May 2, 2006 10:58 AM
# Kirabruster said:


I have dizziness and ear ringing, and the back of my head is heavy, especially when sitting for long periods of time and leaning back slightly. The ENT said that my allergies (nasal) were pressing on my ears inside and causing the dizziness and ringing. I am very tired during the day. I sometimes have a head rush feeling and electrical buzzing in my head, either right before I doze
off to sleep or during the day periodically. My ENT took me off Claritin/Benadryl and put me just on Nasocort-Q nasal spray, to take at night. After doing that for 5 days or so, my whole mouth and throat was burning and itching. So I took Nasonex nasal spray,which did not stop the dizziness or ringing, but stopped the itching.

Has anyone had these types of symptoms before and if so what do you recommend? Allegra....Zirtec?

I dont like the gittery medicines though, nothing that makes you wired, just does not make you fall asleep.

on May 13, 2006 11:41 AM
# Ryan said:

Something about this year in California! Sacramento has been listed in the top 10 cities for Allergies this year and I believe it. Grasses in particular ruin me! I dislike the nasal sprays because some of them constrict the blood vessils in your nose and sinuses too much causing major rebounds and the occasional surgery to get the blood flow restored. (Not typical but not exactly rare)

I tried Clariton only to find that I am ALLERGIC to Loratadine. Pretty insane that the antihistamine put me in the hospital. Benadryl IS a harsh mistress but it is the only thing going for me consistantly...

on May 17, 2006 11:59 AM
# Sharon said:

Wow! I guess I am not the only one suffering more with allergies this year! Thank you for posting this site! I am miserable with allergies in Virginia Beach. I have been noticing less and less relief from my Claritin and after reading everyone elses's suggestions, decided to at least try the Visine Allergy relief until I could talk to my doctor. It hasn't cleared things up completely, but I am much better. I wonder if the irritation in my eyes was somehow adding to my stuffiness? Anyway, I am going to try some Nasalcrom later, and I'll let you know how it works.

on May 21, 2006 07:31 AM
# Karl said:

I use Benadryl for dust and pollen allergies, itchy skin, and insomnia. Amen on the "zombie effect". Has anyone had experience using lower doses?

on May 22, 2006 04:49 PM
# chocolatemoose said:

Does Benadryl contain loratadine? I used to take this tablet made of loratadine and I believe that I received an allergic reaction (nosebleeds, extremely painful breathing after running, drowsyness...). Moreover, they only stopped irritating eyes- then again, I did continue using eyedrops.

on June 10, 2006 10:51 AM
# Anne said:

I've been taking benadryl for insomnia for months now so I can sleep with my husband who snores and wakes up 3+ times a night (prostate problem). I'm a little concerned about the effects of long-term use. Does anybody know if there are any? I read elsewhere on the web that it's not considered addictive, but I seem to be increasingly reliant on it to get to sleep.


on July 7, 2006 07:59 PM
# Mario said:

I work second shift and my window of opportunity to sleep is minimal, so about 6 years ago I started taking benadryl (1 or 2, depending on my mood) right before I go to bed. It works well, and other than socialized guilt for taking something to help me sleep, I have never experienced any adverse side effects or feelings of dependency. I did stop taking it for about 2 months when I was between jobs, and I had no trouble sleeping, since I didn't fear if I woke up in the middle of the night for a few hours, then could catch up on my sleep earlier in the morning.

on September 19, 2006 07:16 PM
# steve said:

TRIPROLIDINE is the best antihistamine in the WORLD!!!!!!!!


on September 26, 2006 01:21 PM
# yonam said:

I take loratadine for my allergy and melatonin for my insomnia. regards.

on October 10, 2006 06:57 PM
# Jane said:

I have been taking Allegra-D 12 hour and it works well for me.
My nasal allergies are not severe, but I was annoyed at not being able to taste and smell. I live in an area where we have to heat our houses in winter, but on holiday in tropics, my allergy is gone. Also being chilled can close my sinuses and noze up like a closepin. The med relieves that also.
House dust is also my problem. I find if I take just one pill around 11 am, that I am able to taste and smell by lunchtime and that the effect lasts thru dinner time. I dont care about night or early morning.
I was wondering if Allegra-D has a generic form that anyone here has used, and if so, are you happy with it.
How does it compare.
Thank you,

on December 6, 2006 07:31 AM
# dalia said:

I am really worried about the medications of many people use... thats the reason because show that theme to you... The Drugs like the FLONASE

the most important things about flonase

Flonase is a steroid. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation, is used to treat the nasal symptoms of allergies and other seasonal reactions.,may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.

Use Flonase spray exactly as directed by your doctor. Read the information insert included with your medication. If you do not understand these instructions, ask your pharmacist, nurse, or doctor to explain them to you.
To use the nasal spray:
Shake the bottle gently and then remove the dust cover,It is necessary to prime the pump into the air the first time it is used, or when you have not used it for a week or more. To prime the pump, hold the bottle with the nasal applicator pointing away from you and with your forefinger and middle finger on either side of the nasal applicator and your thumb underneath the bottle. Press down and release the pump three to four times until a fine spray appears. The pump is now ready to use,
Blow your nose to clear your nostrils,Close one nostril. Tilt your head forward slightly and, keeping the bottle upright, carefully insert the nasal applicator into the other nostril.,Start to breathe in through your nose, and while breathing in press firmly down once on the applicator to release the spray. Use your forefinger and middle finger to spray while supporting the base of the bottle with your thumb. Breathe gently inwards through the nostril. Breathe out through your mouth,
If a second spray is required in that nostril, repeat the above steps, Repeat the above steps in the other nostril.
Wipe the nasal applicator with a clean tissue and replace the dust cover, Do not use this bottle for more than 120 sprays even though the bottle is not completely empty.
Clean the nasal spray at least once a week. Remove the dust cover and then gently pull upwards to free the nasal applicator. Wash the applicator and dust cover under warm tap water. If the nasal applicator becomes blocked, let it soak in warm water. Do not try to unblock the nasal applicator by inserting a pin or other sharp object. Allow the pieces to dry at room temperature, then place the applicator and dust cover back on the bottle.
Do not use more of this medication than is prescribed for you. Never use more than two sprays in each nostril (200 mcg) per day. It may take a few weeks to see the effects of Flonase. Talk to your doctor if your symptoms do not improve or if they get worse
Store Flonase at room temperature away from moisture and heat.

In the same calification we can find drugs like

the fioricet is a pain reliever and fever reducer.
is in a class of drugs called barbiturates that slow down your central nervous system (brain and nerve impulses) causing relaxation.
is believed to constrict dilated blood vessels that may contribute to tension headaches.
Together, acetaminophen, butalbital, and caffeine are used to relieve complex tension (muscle contraction) headaches although precisely how it works is unknown.
Fioricet may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.

Amoxicillin is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria, such as pneumonia;
bronchitis; gonorrhea; and infections of the ears, nose, throat, urinary tract, and skin.
It is also used in combination with other medications to eliminate H. pylori, a bacteria
that causes ulcers. Amoxicillin is in a class of medications called penicillin-like
antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics will not work for
colds, flu, and other viral infections.
Amoxicillin comes as a capsule, a tablet, a chewable tablet, a suspension (liquid), and
pediatric drops to take by mouth. It is usually taken every 12 hours (twice a day) or every
8 hours (three times a day) with or without food. To help you remember to take amoxicillin,
take it around the same time every day.

Vicodin is a pain killer most commonly seen as a white tablet with the name “Vicodin, is
most commonly prescribed for persons experiencing pain after surgery or intense
pain. It helps calm a person down and increases their ability to relax and forget about
painful ailments (which speeds up recovery)

you can find more information about vicodin at, 10/325 at, vicoprofen at and lortab at

Have a great day

on January 9, 2007 10:36 AM
# said:

I seem to be one of few with this prob, but after taking a generic form of Claritin, I was CRAZY. I acted foolish. I felt very emotional, and was not myself (Just ask my husband). The day before, I was in the highest vibe of my life, feeling good, no problems. I took it, and the next day, I was angry, irritable, crying, and negative. Oh, and the night I took it, I had nightmares, and woke several times that night.
No, it was not PMS, and no, I do not have a mental disorder. The only thing I could attribute it to was the generic Claritin. I called my sister, and she had the same effect! Her husband actually said to her, "Yeah, could you please NEVER take that again?"

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen?

Good luck with your trials. Eye drops are great, with little side effects, in my experience. I think mine was Opticon(?).

on March 27, 2007 07:28 AM
# CM said:

I love Benadryl. I take it at night a few hours prior to hitting the sack, the zombie feeling only last a few days and I actually enjoy it at night, I sleep well and just lay back njoying a good cop show while the medication kicks in, once it does it is to bed and wake feeling refresed.

I hae also had good experience with Claritin and Nasonex.

on June 11, 2007 09:22 PM
# TT said:

Hi everyone,
I was prescribed allegra, sudafed and flonase. My eyes were runny and aggrivated and tired and I 'm feeling lightheaded with pain in my ears. I've been told that I have fluid on my ears or an allergy, Does that sound right? Please, I need help.

on January 6, 2008 11:15 AM
# said:

What you just said is waht they just sd for my 4 yr old son. We've made small progress with his Albuterol and Clarinex syrups and expensive Singulair pills, and he had other prescritions prior too.
For me, Flonase spray makes my nose bleed and I stopped it yrs ago when I took Allegra. Flonase is cheaper than the Rhinocourt Aqua spray they prescribe me. They say you develop an immunity to Allegra and I may have, so we stopped it. Not sure why no one here said to take it. I use generic claritin pills but you never know how well they really work as I still get sick. I use the benadryl one only if going to sleep.
Humidity is my friend and dry is my enemy so a vaporizer may be for you when its dry.
Now that I live near Canyon Lake, TX my son and I are in a bit of allergy country (at least some people are allergic to the juniper aka cedar trees).
After many dr vists and various prescriptions they finally just told us to go to an allergy specialist.
One problem is fluid back drain from sinus/nose while sleeping and I have used a special triangle pillow for yrs and it helps too. Its funny no one in TX ever brought that pillow up. I was told about the pillow once in Calif.

on January 14, 2008 11:21 AM
# N said:

Allegra is my favorite. Claritin and the still-prescription reformulation Clarinex are like taking sugar pills for me--I just keep sneezing my head off. Now that Zyrtec is OTC in the States I've tried it and found it effective and with no problems. I keep a bottle in my purse in case I forget to take my morning Allegra. (But I know someone who took one yesterday and it caused him to throw up.) I used to take Tavist OTC but that seems to have disappeared. A daily antihistimine keeps my allergy symptoms down to seasonal--none of them completely clear me up when the pollen is blowin'

But I seldom get side effects from drugs--even Benadryl. The main reason I asked my doctor for a new (generic) Allegra prescription after taking Benadryl over a year was because of the convenience of once-a-day dosing--Benadryl wears off too fast so you have to keep popping them. I guess I'm blessed that none of the antihistimines are uppers or downers for me.

I'd suggest staying away from the decongestants unless you have a cold or sinus infection, then make sure it's only temporary. I took daily pseudoephedrine for 10+ years, but a few years ago after reading about how even oral decongestants can cause rebound headaches I weaned myself off. That cured the dry mouth I'd endured all those years. It took a couple of weeks for the rebound headache to go away, but since then my allergy headaches are less severe (but still frequent).

It has been a long time since I used any of the corticosteroid inhalers. They helped some, but only when used regularly, and not that much--maybe no more than a saline solution. I don't like the idea of being on even such a mild steriod long term, so I quit them. Once I tried a prescription inhaled antihistimine (Astelin), and it dried my out so badly it was worse than the allergies!

I was on allergy shots for a few years, and that was the *only* thing that made the headaches go away. It was a miracle. I still needed Allegra to keep from sneezing. Last time I was allergy tested (after being off shots for a year) I didn't react enough to come up with a serum, which is good, but I'm in the odd position of wishing my allergies would get bad enough that I could go back on the shots.

My other favorite allergy relief mechanism is nasal irrigation. Less likely to cause side effects than any drug. I know people with allergies who swear by nasal irrigation alone, though I really need the antihistimines, too. For me it mainly helps hydrate my sinuses: I have non-allergic problems in addition to true allergies, and dry weather gives me headaches and mild nosebleeds, so keeping the sinuses hydrated is important.

on April 9, 2008 09:50 AM
# Tom said:


I probably missed this, but how many Benadryl can you take at one time for itchy eyes?


on February 12, 2009 09:29 AM
# Dina said:

Hi Jeremy,

I can take Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra and throw them over my shoulder and they do the same as taking them. Benadryl is the only thing that actually works. The trick is...if you take the Benadryl every 4 hours and don't let your symptoms get bad, you don't get drowsy. If my symptoms are real bad and then take Benadryl it knocks me right out. I only weigh 95 pounds and take a Benadryl every 4 hours and feel great!

on October 13, 2009 07:03 PM
# golfer said:

Zyretc - tried twice, both times intense anger after taking about a week at 10 mgs. OTC. Enough anger that others noticed. Back to Benedryl before bed which works - Singular expensive and also made me angry.

on May 8, 2010 04:48 PM
# said:

This thread is five years old!

Anyway, I hate allergies! So I was looking for a good drug to help stifle them. Seems that benadryl is not the answer, as being drowsy would not bode well for my college grades.

on May 16, 2010 01:25 AM
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