In the process of checking the spelling on the previous posting, the spell checker in w.bloggar tried to "correct" me in a rather amusing way:
Maybe it thinks my colocated servers are crap?
Either way, that we me on the floor laughing for a few minutes. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Posted by jzawodn at February 14, 2005 06:49 PM | edit
> Maybe it thinks my colocated servers are crap?
Or they're trying to bend you over.
I noticed that a few weeks ago. It is really a pitiful spell checker.
Outlook thinks my co-worker Ritch should be "Retch".
used to work with a guy whose name the MS spellcheckers used to try to change to "Lechery." it was fitting.
I am certainly the last person to make that point (English is not my native), but I believe it should be spelled "collocation". Webster is on my side.
Artem, the term co-location is a technical term, for which Webster has no definition. Try this page:
"co" is a prefix. In the nominative form, it indicates one which acts with another. This creates words like "copilot," or "coworker." I suppose it would be correct to use "colocation" to indicate a location where two or more things are located despite the fact it is not specifically listed in a dictionary.
A hyphen is not needed unless the word that the prefix is used with begins with "o." This forms words such as "co-organizer," or "co-owner."
"Collocate" can be a transitive verb that means to "put" or "place;" especially to put side by side.
"colocate" is also a transitive verb. It means to place two or more things together in a common facility.
I thought I had gotten used to writing technical (engineering) papers in MS Word and dealing with the odd suggestions but I recently had my computer fighting itself between programs. MS thinks that "upgradable" is the wrong way and suggests "upgradeable". I ran into this misspelling while creating a brochure in Adobe Indesign. So when I take the same text back to Indesign, Adobe swaps it back around. I wonder how many instances there are of Adobe spelling vs. MS spelling? ;-)