Jason is writing about RSS Ad Blocking:
Given that people who use newsreaders are still of the early adopter sort who are used to blocking ads with Firefox or fast-forwarding through commercials with their TiVos, it seems likely that blocking advertising in RSS/Atom files might soon become an issue.
He goes on to post the responses from the authors of PulpFiction, FeedDemon, and NetNewsWire. It's worth a read. And I'm sure the discussion will be interesting as always.
Posted by jzawodn at December 06, 2004 09:05 PM
On some sites where I include RSS feeds (especially on http://www.feeeds.com ) I filter ads on a keywords basis. E.g. when there will be a weekly message "Feed sponsored by..." then this is just annoying, so I block headlines with the words "sponsored by" etc. Of course if someone's ToS would force people to either leave out the complete feed, or include the ads, I would rethink this (and either kick it out, or if it's important enough, display it with the ads). I guess RSS is getting closer to HTML (tag-soup, annoyances...) and maybe one day we'll realize it WAS just another HTML, and that possibly we might have included its features right into XHTML. Structured HTML with its headlines, plus maybe some specified classes or two, would have gone a long way!
I used your recent Rolex post as an example of how powerful linkage data is and how the readers help cover bandwidth costs by providing free links / advertising.
Lots of good info in that post and the comments over there.