I've been answering a lot of questions about blogging recently at work. It no longer surprises me to find out that a lot of folks there read this stuff. But sometimes the questions do.
Today's was the first one I had to think about bit because I'd just never considered it before:
Which takes more time, your blog or you linkblog?
Clearly it takes more time to write long posts here than it does to run my custom little command-line tool for adding random funny stuff to my linkblog. But both are really the result of my day to day wanderings on the web, e-mail, and so on.
I still think my main blog takes more time, but I never really thought about what goes into the linkblog. It's not as trivial as one might think.
Posted by jzawodn at July 20, 2004 11:07 PM | edit
My blog takes custom time.. that is the "Oh, I should blog this *clickety*click*" time.
I'd think the most common question would be "which takes more time, your blog, or your work for Yahoo?". That's the question I find myself asking after reading some of your posts :-)
Posted by jzawodn at July 20, 2004 11:07 PM
Does yahoo require it's employees to work past 11pm at night?
Honestly? I blog around two hours a day and during commit cycles. I try to get something in and scheduled for 0900, I'll surf around at lunch and possibly queue something up for 1700.
I consider blogging (and reading blogs) to be essential research for my job since I get to find out things like how to fix IE's CSS display bugs, feedback on product decisions and other useful things I can pass on to coworkers.
Plus it helps me keep sane and is generally cheaper than repairing things i've hurled off the top deck.
Main blog is main, takes time, thought.
Linkblog is near zero effort and tons of return
I heard that a firm named DesktopAlert, um... http://www.desktopalert.net has a new BlogLert?
Something about flagging keywords it researches in Blogs and serving up alerts for researchers?
You ever hear of them? I did not see anything at their site but heard it on TechTV.
I recently axed my linkblog because I felt that it took too much time out of my day.
Yeah, blogging can take some time. I mean, I don't have a linkblog myself, I'm just starting out with a normal blog right now. Still, it can take a lot of time to post stuff in it.