Congrats to Joyce and the front-end team Friendster for pulling off the JSP to PHP migration. Having the front end less tightly coupled with everything else ought to make life a lot easier for some folks there.
Now, any bets as to when the "beta" label will come off their logo?
Posted by jzawodn at June 29, 2004 08:39 PM
Thank god. It is about time. Friendster was absolutely horribly slow. So slow I stopped using it after 2 weeks of trying it out. I just couldn't stand it.
I'm amazed that people still think JSP makes a good web scripting language. Any time I ever come across a web page that is loading slowly, I always look up at the URL and see .jsp and just shake my head.
PHP in general is more advanced and expanded in comparison with JSP...
Good Luck!.. (and speed)
The one thing that I always hated about Friendster was that I could never use it because it was just too slow. Nice to see things moving along well.
Well it almost seems like its a fashion now a days to sport the beta label and some things remain in beta far longer then they usually would need to.
Wonder why "orkut" "gmail" are still in beta. Seems like it just gives a exclusive feel to them..
I wonder if the speedup has simply been because of a switch from JSP to PHP, or rather because of other optimisations to DB structures and code.
Perhaps they would have had comparable gains if they re-coded the system in JSP all over again with the same hindsight they had while writing the PHP code.
There's also .php extensions everywhere in the URLs. It must have been fun having to convert every link to a .jsp into a .php - why not just chop off the extensions altogether?
Dan, they tried...twice...with Java experts!!
Hate to tell you, php is legit.