Tired of not being like all the really cool kids, I've upgraded the rss feed for my linkblog so that it now includes a little one-line comment for entries that I add. All it took was a bit more Perl hackery (my command-line posting tools), looking at a tiny bit of the MT source code (XML-RPC server bits), and MT template hacking.
Now you get a tiny little dose of my sense of humor (or lack thereof) with each an every entry? Aren't you lucky?!
(I'll probably be watching the subscriber count drop over the coming days...)
Oh, and if you don't subscribe to it but only glance it it once in a while on the right side of my main blog page fear not! For I have added the same witty little comments as "title" attributes on the <a ...> tags, so they'll show up as you mouse over.
Now back to your regularly scheduled goofing off.
Posted by jzawodn at March 21, 2004 08:12 PM
linkblogs are a new one on me...it's a great idea. kind of like a 'webroll', only different.
what's the etymology of the term? did you come up with this one? a quick google search reveals little of interest, other than the cool kids.
Not knowing that cool people were doing it, I recently started a "linklog" on my site. Oh well, a good idea is a good idea!
Incidentally, the "title" in your (Jeremy's) most recent (PostgreSQL and MySQL Connection Times) linkblog entry is a bit broken.