I think we should rename the cafeteria at work. It's currently called "Url's" which is amusing and all, but every time I notice my site getting crawled by Yahoo! Slurp, I can't help but to think that should be the cafeteria name.
Or maybe not.
Posted by jzawodn at March 21, 2004 02:24 PM
And it would be about 10 minutes before people started referring to it as "Yahoo Slop" around campus. :-P
Stop me when I lie. hehehe
"Yahoo Slop" is already reserved for the the "cafeteria" in building F :-) i think was serving the recycled (or regurgitated) slop from the Url's.
My personal goal is to avoid visiting Building F until a year after it was opened.
What a horrible place that would be to put a cafeteria..
"Hey you wanna go to building F to have lunch?"
"Does it serve grade-F food?"
"Sure, it serves waste material coming out of the regular cafeteria that the tenured yahoo employees eat at."
"Uhh..so why are we eating there?"
"We're new here. Remember the job that Jeremy put on his blog?"
"Hey theres Jeremy right now!"
"Jeremy, you wanna come with us to building F?"
"Hell no."
Slurp.. . Sounds a lot like Slurm (as seen in Fry and the Slurm Factory).
They try to lie to you, the building F cafeteria is called "Smiley's" and has the messenger :D emoticon on the sign, like, "Hey Everybody! Come in here! Food's Great!"
Although we do get toasted sandwiches and bacon in building F, I still end up walking across the street 4 out of 5 days a week.