My friend Jeff is stationed in Iraq.

He had his picture taken recently (see right).

Can you guess where?

Yeah, I thought so. :-)

What a great Giftmas card photo this could be. Too bad he didn't have a Santa Hat with him.

This concludes my coverage of the so-called "war" in Iraq.

Thank you.

Posted by jzawodn at January 08, 2004 08:30 AM

Reader Comments
# tiod said:

I am no expert on guns, but it appears that you friend doesn't have a clip in gun. Do you (or anyone) know if it is stanard procedure for US military to be walking around without their weapons armed? I just wondered.

I hope your friend is safe and returns to the States soon!

on January 8, 2004 04:21 PM
# funjon said:

You're correct, there is no magazine in the weapon. However, he probably unloaded it for the photo, which has him in a slightly precarious position. I wouldn't want to stumble into a hole with a charged M16 in hand.

on January 8, 2004 05:31 PM
# Justin said:

i disagree. i think the there is a clip in the m4 but not a long banana like one you see in the movies.. if you look close at the image you can see that there are little white scrapes on the mag.

Also if there is no clip then where is the background? how come there is no background brown/tan of the boot or ground?

my bet that there is a clip..

I bet there are not allowed to walk around unarmed.. i know that i would not want to be as US person in iraq without a weapon.

why would you take the clip out to take a photo? what about the safty?

on January 8, 2004 06:36 PM
# RSW said:

Think this picture if it's real goes one better

on January 9, 2004 12:21 AM
# gabe said:

RSW, that link is broken.

on January 12, 2004 08:02 AM
# jeff jennings said:
on October 7, 2004 10:25 AM
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