Well, I can't read the
language at all, but Yahoo! Korea launched its blog service this week.
Apparently blogs, message boards, avatars, and all stuff related to on-line communities are big--really, really big in Korea.
Mmm. Momentum. :-)
Posted by jzawodn at August 22, 2003 12:00 PM
I think Yahoo is desperately tryting to create
the momentum in Korea.
On-line communites are really big in Korea.And
biggest provider of a community service is a
company called daum.net.All yahoo has been trying
to catch up to them for a while
great....now all the N/S Koreans can blog their anti-American sentiments...
Great... wtf are you talking about?
Korean Online communities are the biggest in terms of population in the world, if you extrapolate the data of Lineage (www.lineage.com) to the US population you should have an online game with 60 million paying customers.. nice number right? ;)
BTW, i cant read Korean also (and im from Argentina, so i speak english poorly) but it keeps asking me some "Residence registration number" that i cant get.
To mariano
"Residence registration number"
In korea Everyone has their own unique number called "Residence registration number
Some Korean websites ask for this number when you try to register.
So they can check info you gave for registration.
Where are you seeing the "Residence Registration Number"? I didn't see any English at all.
Great: If you think North Koreans are blogging, you need to brush up on your international affairs knowledge :)
Everyone else:
I can read Korean (with great difficulty), so if anyone has any questions....
What's somewhat interesting to me is that it didn't require a national ID number, like nearly every other Korean site out there. But Yahoo caved in long ago to the Chinese in censoring talk of Taiwan, etc., so I wouln't be surprised if they eventually require that. In the meantime, it might attract Koreans who wish to blog without using their ID number, or foreign-born Koreans (or others who can speak Korean) who want to participate in an online community in Korean.
Having watched some silly 70's cultural review on one of those music stations, I think you should have said:
Mmmmo. Mmmentum. Momentum.
Hou much longer before they launch one on yahoo.com ? Looks like the whole geocities craze long back will play out again with all the big portals jumping into blogging.
[sigh] Well, color me embarrassed. I just got myself a hanmail/daum account, with no National ID number.
After registering, there's a page for you to supply "additional information", all optional, including your national ID number (as well as hobbies and stuff). They don't say anything about why you might want to supply your ID. To me, it's kind of like, "if you'd like to give us your bank account number, because you love sharing information, you can do so here." Whatever.
You didn't read fine prints, did u?
What they are saying is that if you want to use their financial service or use other services that
involves money ,then you have to fill that page out.
But if you just want to use mail and cafe then you don't have to fill that page out
Great! Now I have to read Korean as well in order to keep up with all the blogs on the internet?
...at some point I'm going to start falling behind reading all these....
You're talking about Daum, right? It turns out you do need the National ID Number to even set up a "Cafe". Maybe I can post in a cafe (or could, if the cafes worked in more than one kind of web browser), but I can't make my own. So it's not just money things that require it. I'm referring to http://cafe.daum.net/_c21_/cafe_make_1 .
I am glad to see Yahoo is catching up on the Blog thing. Blog isn't just a journal/log. It's all about the ease of web publishing. Over 10 years, people have been promised for a bright future of how easy to put a website together and how easy to update it. But we are simply not there.
When Yahoo bought Geocities, I bet they had the idea in mind. How about now? Yahoo pretty much ran Geocities to the ground. There was no INNOVATION for Geocities after that.
Now Yahoo has a chance to ride the next wave - blogging.
I can easily see Yahoo doing this:
- Use Geocities as a platform for user blogs. (Rename that to some new catchy domain names so people don't associate Geocities to the new one, like Bloghoo. j/k.)
- Use Yahoo mail (yes you hear me) as a publising platform. Creating a blog entry is as easy as write an email.
- Free account as banner ads, but premium users can have bigger space, more features like attaching pictures to the blog entries.
- Create a community of users who contribute templates.
- Google has bought Blogger. What about Yahoo? As far as I know, MovableType is still up for grab. :-) Yahoo would be foolish if they haven't been thinking to get MT.
Blogging getting big is not because suddenly people just become some exhibitionists, but rather it's because blogging give people the ease of expressing themselves, which is the Internet all about.
I'm Korean. I had no problem in registering Yahoo Korea. Yahoo Korea did not require "Residence Register Number" in register form page, although so many Korean sites need it. Needless to say RRN sucks. You are not allowed to leave any comment without register/login.
There is many Blog services in Korea. But the most of them are poor in quality and so mindless. Ad banner, no RSS/trackback/ping, register/login, centralized to teenager, not-worthy reading, etc.
I recommend to visit "Weblogs In Korea(http://wik.ne.kr)", if you want to know real live blog culture of Korea. "WIK list" link will show you many Korean blogs.
i have email account with hotmail and business email with yahoo my family use xtra, but when i attempt to 'send' to hanmail account holders it invariably returns saying 'mail delivery not possible' - my words but u know wot i mean. y does this happen? how can i get round this problem?
To anyone who can help me, it´s important,
Hi, my name is Nerea and i´m from Spain. There is a korean page which I like a lot (http://www.candybar.co.kr/) and i´m trying to register myself in order to use it, but i´m asked for a residence registration number which I don´t have.
What can I do, or where can I obtain one?
I would really apreciate any help. Please email me to this address: nereaiturbe@eresmas.com
Thank you in advance
Hmmm...anyone know where i can find a random generator? i found one a while ago, but then my comp got screwed up and i lost it...crap i need it >_< email me if u know of one, please ;)
Hmmm...anyone know where i can find a random generator? i found one a while ago, but then my comp got screwed up and i lost it...crap i need it >_< email me if u know of one, please ;)
i cant email my friends from south korea from here in canada. sux or sum 1 help. they have hanmail.net but why cant i email them?
i registered at the korean fanpage but they required the Residence registration number.
can some1 please help me giving me the formal Residence registration number.
my email: hamuluv@hotmail.com
hello ppl! I wanna play O2Jam Korea and when I register, i have to enter the residence registration number. I'm a Malaysian... Can someone tell me what to do? PLz...
plz email me at:snow_d_forever@hotmail.com
plz help me!!! i'm desperate for O2jam Korea!!!
hello ppl! I wanna play O2Jam Korea and when I register, i have to enter the residence registration number. I'm a Malaysian... Can someone tell me what to do? PLz...
plz email me at:snow_d_forever@hotmail.com
plz help me!!! i'm desperate for O2jam Korea!!!
well, i want to join cyworld but i need to have registration number which sucks!
I'm wondering if someone could help me register Korean O2Jam? I heard i need a residential number, but i'm not Korean, can anyone help me?
msn: chuikarfatt@hotmail.com
I'm wondering if someone could help me register Korean O2Jam? I heard i need a residential number, but i'm not Korean, can anyone help me?
msn: chuikarfatt@hotmail.com
too bad
me need residential number too to register for a pdbox account. this suks
anybody can help me?
I will trade it for an avatar in gunbound
Pls email me
I was wondering whether someone could help me register Multi-Lemonia
But I am not Korean and I need a residential number
Pls email me : kerrizied@gmail.com
l am a chinese a always visit some korean website but they need the residential number how can a get one . l really really need it plese help and email me
my email adress is llovehiphop@hotmail.com
thank you
Hi i'm in bad need too-.-
as everyone else I need a "주민등록번호 " or a residential number.... can some1 plz help me...
My e-mail: Phoenix_Smith@hotmail.com
Although I'm not Korean too, I found a page about such a "Residence registration number".
However I couldn't register Multi-Lemonia...
That website works well, you just have to mess around with it and the website you are registering on for it to work...
I was born in 1935, february ninth and my name is Chung, haha... :X
But yeah, thanks!
사랑해, 청소함 이뻐~~<3
where could I get a residence registration number I'm trying to be a member of the muz.co.kr... but they're asking for the reg number... and what does 1um or Ium or lum mean??
please help : mail me -- mikayz30@yahoo.com please get back to me asap
Hi ..anyone who is korean and have their registration number ..can i please have your number , i won't do anything illegal ..just wanna register an account at clubbox ..thanks contatc me at
if this works im gonna die..
can someone pleeeeeaaase be so kind as to help me out with the residence registration number? i really wanted to sign up for a clubbox but i live in the US.. if u can please email me at baby_smilez_07@yahoo.com
can some hlelp me get a Residence registration number
i want to play digimon rpg onmine so if u can lend me there Residence registration number give it to me on icg(250-822-508) or aim aznkraziexmonkey
can some hlelp me get a Residence registration number
i want to play digimon rpg onmine so if u can lend me there Residence registration number give it to me on icg(250-822-508) or aim aznkraziexmonkey
I was trying to register on Clubbox.co.kr for my own account. But it says it requires a 주민등록번호 (residential #)
So if you're korean and have a 주민등록번호, can you please help me? Thanks, it would be greatly appreciated! Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal, I just want to register on Clubbox.
Susan K.
I forgot to add
here's my email address: ksurf3rgrl@yahoo.com
ok...i have tried so many times to just make up a RRN for naver and/or daum. it's driving me crazy. is there anyway someone can make one up? there are millions of koreans out there....so...it has to work atleast once..haha
i really want to register for a korean site:
but i dont seem to be able to read it, but alot of folks say that this is a very useuful entertaiment site...etc.
also requires me to enter in reseident number as well
will anyone be so kind to make me an acocount or walk me thru it?
if so, i will give you my email
can anyone help me make an email account in hanmail coz i dont know what a residence registration number is
if anyone is kind enough to make me an account please email me at kpop_rhyjung@yahoo.com or just give me a residence number please im begging
i promise if you can help me ill exange it for something please
How can i register in this website http://rosyserver100.infomaster.co.kr/, it ask for residence number and phone number, some1 can help me plsss... send to my email kentryu@yahoo.com
I'm trying to send e-mail to my Korean friend who is with Yahoo, but the e-mails won't go through, giving me the message that yahoo.com.kr is not a host. Can anybody help me? Thanks!
Hello there.
l am from Germany and some of the Korean websites asked me for a residential number. Can someone help me with this problem? Is there something I can do?
If someone can help, please write to
Thank you so much
like eveyone else, I would like a Resident Registration Number, I would like to play the korean versions of GunZ (www.gunzoline.com) and Maple story (www.maplestory.com)
Please email nicktor50@gmail.com
i heard clubbox is illegal in certain countries.. can someone verify that?
hi everyone....im from sg n i wanted to registration for korea maple story, anyone out there can help mi with the Residence registration number (주민등록번호). pls help mi out....
my email is handsome_tidus@msn.com
hi all
i'm from singapore and would like help for registering with daum.net
it seems to require residence registration number.
could u help me? :) much obliged.
email me @ eu11ci@gmail.com
I cannot believe I am doing this...but I would like a Korean residence registration number...My friends (who were born in korea all have one and I envy them). I would like to use it for use on most korean websites....(www.daum.net, maplestory, etc)
thanks....e-mail me here if you would so kindly provide one...
Put these terms in yahoo search, (resident registration number Korea petition) and there will be a link to a petition requesting "Let Foreign Nationals Register Online in Korea Too". I would ask that everybody sign this so we might have a chance to register on Korean websites.
Ummm... can anyone plz send me a random Residence registration number generator or 2 numbers plz? i have born in november 1982 and my gf in july 1982... plz... my e-mail is Yami_Malik@vtr.net ^^ thanks
people plz. stop asking for residence registration number. It seems that the korean websites and games dont want non koreans playing/on their sites. Its their sites. get a life. u can email ur korean friends by creating a korean email account at yahoo. thats all i telling. and get a life. stop trying to go on korean sitse and play games ment for koreans only.
Wow korean dude the way you put it,do you mean that most korean are sort of biased against the foreigner??Sorry dont mean any malice but the way you state it that way cant help me thinkin that way. Seriously why does the korean pple need a RRN juz for a website haha if that the case then most of us foreigner could also does the same juz required a your ID and you are registered but if i ever create a web site of coz i wont do such stupid thing
pls help me to have a "residence registration number" i wanna play RF Online, its kind a cool
e-mail me = joe_lee_25@yahoo.com
Well if we can not get to play on certain servers than maybe we should not let them on all of ower sites. I mean fair is fair.
Also for the person whom say get a life you must a real annoying person to put down other people that are in need of some help. We all are trying to get a life maybe you should try to get one too.
Dear Bloggers,
A Korean Residence Registration number is obtained by living in Korea and having your nationality, thus being born there or having been a certain amount of years living there.
Creating, borrowing or replicating a Korea Residence Registration number is strictly illegal. In any case, people that don't posses one shouldn't try hacking one and should move to Korea instead. Those informations can be verified, so if you fill out a form with fake IDs and a fake KRRN, you can get arrested for fraud of identity and that even if you live in another country then Korea itself.
The main reason for having Internet related products blocked by this is the Internet networks of Korea. In South Korea, the internet is at the stage of Super Broadband, meaning the majority of the population possesses super speed internet which goes over 1MB/sec. Having an outsider come in and lag would slow down the whole network since he is located far away. This is the main reason outsiders are not allowed to play on Korean servers, to maintain Super Broadband speed.
Thank you all for your understanding.
For Maple Story fans,
You can always play MapleGlobal or MapleSEA which are both in English and legally accessible to outsiders of Asia.
i need korea Residence registration number to play online outpost game ?? can i get
yes, i feel very embarrassed right now, but i too need a korean id number if thats possible my email is miaandlauren@yahoo.com
i want to get a korean yahoo account...but i dont' live in korea so i don't have a residence number.
i AM korean tho, and i'd like to have a yahoo account for korea with a [.co.kr] ending as an email address!!
plz help!!!!!!!!!
email is: babuangel@sbcglobal.net
Hi,i want to register on web: roiworld,but it required residence registration number,so please,can anyone send me the RRN,thanks so much,my mail is: thunga2005@seznam.cz
Can someone create me an account at kr.yahoo.com ?? i need this account to play the korean Silkoad. Can someone send me the login and password to r--mafia@mail.ru subject: korean acc at yahoo
thx u very mch for helping me!!!!
can someone make me an account at http://client.clubbox.co.kr:8002/capp/join_abroad.cgi
I always get an error
For all those that are having problems with registering Clubbox there's a great forum on this at d-addicts.com
There's also a step by step guide on how to register if you are overseas http://www.d-addicts.com/forum/viewtopic_14132_45.htm
For all those who don't know korean (like me), it make registering so easy! Thanks to all the wonderful ppl at d-addicts.com ^_^
Hope you find this information useful.
Good luck and enjoy downloading! :P
My Random comment:
I am an Korean-American living in the USA. And all i can say is WOW. After reading this, I see that a lot of people have similar complaints about being locked out of Korean online servers. That totally sucks. I kind of feel for everyone. I play Maple Story Global and its ok, but KMS seems to be more ahead. Thats why I can see why people feel the need to move to different servers. If thats the problem, they should update their global servers so that its equal to the audience. It's natural for a human being to feel the need for equality and no discrimination whether from different countries or culture background. o_O
To: Korea.net Journalist
I totally agree with you that illegally obtaining other Korean Resident Numbers is a bad thing because thats like illegal immigrants coming into the USA and using "fruad/fake" SS# to live and work in the USA. Anyways, Korea should make a exception policy for online people who are interested in Korean servers or come up with a better solution to help prevent people to have the urge or need to commit "resident number theft's."
Thanks for reading my thoughts.
hi... i need one resident number for register on www.muonline.co.kr
plz help meee, someone can register ??
In South Korea, every Korean resident is assigned a Resident's Registration Number(주민등록번호), which has the form 000000-0000000. The first seven digits have his/her birthday and gender, where the first six digits are in the format YYMMDD and the seventh digit is determined by the century and the gender as follows:
Male Female
1800s 9 0
1900s 1 2
2000s 3 4
(For example, a male citizen who was born in 27 May 2001 is assigned the number 010527‒3******, and a female citizen which was born in 24 March 1975 is assigned the number 750324‒2******.)
The next 4 digits mean the region of his/her birth registration, and the next 1 digit is a serial number of registration within the date and the region. The last digit is a check digit.
hey, im trying to register for roiworld.com and candybar.co.kr and i need a korean registration number plz email is Ayumi_Hamasaki_rocks@hotmail.com if u get 1
hi well i am korean and i live in the us and i went to korea in the summer and the like site like everyone uses in korea is www.cyworld.co.kr or www.cyworld.com but it is fun
im going to kill those koreans even though im korean myself. just because they want their stupid "super fast speed internet" does not mean that they should discriminate against us foreigners!!! WHY NOT SHARE LIKE AMERICA, just a few mbps slower, everyone would be happy!
i can't get a cyworld cuz of this registration thing! lol. e-mail will do i guess...but still.
You guys know that all you have to play korean maplestory you need somebody thats has korean number thing and doesn't play kms and have them make a account for you that way it isn't illegal
Hello dear friends! I very very need "Residence registration number"!
I'm from Russia and i just try to registred on web site to bought clothes, but i can't!
Or explane how i can get it!
I haven't friends in Korea and i don't know what i must do((((
There are my en-mails kish86@yandex.ru
and kishagoal@yahoo.com
PLEAE HELP ME)))))))))
just like all u guys... i need that registration number too...
could u give me an example of a real one? my email is crazy_girl8822@yahoo.com
please!!! i wanna register for cyworld.com
please email me!! T.T
I wana ply BnB but i translated the page and it asks 4 a krrn. plz help Email:mundekkat@hotmail.com
Hi, I'd just like to say that:
1. The format of the 주민등록번호:
yymmdd - xxxxxxxxx
YY - year of birth
MM - month of birth
DD - day of birth
I'm born on September 6, 1991, so if I'm Korean, it will be 910609
The next numbers are usually entered like a password for your email (you'll only see ******)
Koreans also use this number for banking (so if you happen to know someone else's number, go to the bank and you can steal his/her money) and for internet. For example, you're registering for a mature content site, you'll be asked to enter yours so they'll know if you deserve the content.
You can't make your own since these websites: Yahoo! KR, etc., they contact a government site to check if it's real. The name you entered should match with the numbers you entered in the other site's database.
There's a fine if you're caught stealing other's ID. And because I'm not Korean, I only have accounts in those sites you can register without this ID.
I currently have an account in
"Daum" - they called my phone and dictated korean numbers that I entered for them to verify that I'm human (maybe) or that I understand Korean. I don't know why.
"Naver" - they sent a text message to me that I entered on the page.
"Cyworld" - I clicked on "English" then I filled up the form, sent a picture of my passport to them.
uhhh u don need an ID unless you wanna game or similar, clubbox has a button for foreigners and daum, naver, etc have a button for foreigners too... Korean's arent that discriminant.. geees calm down.
Its not much use if you wanna play korean online games anyways, if your computer isnt formatted in korean, the letters wont appear, they will just be question maarks (????????????????????????????????????)
Just stay with CS, WOW and Star.. tonnes of koreans play them too....
Does anyone know how to retrieve your password for a hanmail account wihout having a Korean Registration number? My mom set one up and cannot remember for the life of her and I'm trying to find a way to retrieve that info, but it won't let me without that number. Only thing is my mom cannot locate that number since its been so long since she has had to use it. Does anyone out there know how to bypass this? Thanks in advance for your help!
I've been trying to email a friend that lives in Korea (I'm American) and it never goes through. She has hanmail, so I tried to set up a hanmail account but I think I need to be a Korea resident to do so... can anybody help me email her? Thanks!
I founf out you guys know nothing about the number, I need help yes, who is gonna help me? I am also american, need to get it right away, need to know where do go to get one, so I can start playing games in the PC bangs.
Yeah, I was able to successfully create an account on daum. I want to be able to view the comics online. But I think I need to get an alien registration number to select how much I want to pay. Or maybe, I'm wrong?
Can someone PLEASE help me on this? I really want to read those comics!