The MySQL/SAP alliance is starting to take
shape. The press
release and Kaj's mailing
list announcement explain more, saying things like:
First, the main consequence of the SAP partnership is the same as when we announced it in the first place: you'll see the development of MySQL speed up further. The SAP partnership provides MySQL AB with resources that enables us to develop new features faster.
Second, if you need features which MySQL still lacks, we suggest that you take a look at MaxDB. You'll probably find them there. MySQL AB will offer databases that meet a wide range of application needs, whether you like your database fast, stable and easy to use (as in MySQL), or whether you like it enterprise-grade and feature-packed (as in MaxDB).
Third, it will now be easier for you to obtain approval from your management and customers to use MySQL in mission-critical projects. SAP is trusting MySQL AB with their database needs, so why shouldn't everyone?
Here's some of the really cool stuff:
MaxDB 7.5 will be able to communicate using the MySQL protocol, which means that you can use the MySQL clients on it. A primary goal is to be able to easily mysqldump data from MaxDB and pipe it into a mysql client as input to MySQL -- as well as to mysqldump data from MySQL and pipe it into a mysql client as input to MaxDB.
MaxDB 7.5 also aims at supporting MySQL replication. You can then use MaxDB either as a master or as a slave to MySQL, by hooking it onto the MySQL replication mechanism.
Interesting times, eh?
Posted by jzawodn at August 05, 2003 01:55 PM
Is there something wrong with your trackbacks? I tried to trackback using three separate web-forms (Aaron Swartz's, and the first two from 'google:trackback form'), and I always get errors relating to 'tb_id'.
URL for this post is the tracked back page.
They only show up after a comment is posted? I mean, I know I was getting the error with the form - perhaps I need to drop him a line about his implementation?
Sorry for the complaint. And double trackback. Doh.
For reasons that I won't explain now (MT internal stuff) the TrackBacks are not posted right away. But I have a script that handles them every few minutes.
Does this mean SAP DB is going to support MySQL specific syntax like "limit"?