Don't argue with a self-proclaimed database expert about MySQL. It's just not worth it. I thought it'd be entertaining but it's more draining than anything else.
Heck, now that I think about it, try to avoid technology arguments completely. Life's to short for all the associated penis waving and bullshit that comes with it. If you don't like my technology and I don't like yours, fine.
I need a beer.
Posted by jzawodn at June 11, 2003 10:52 PM | edit
This is why I tend to go by the nickname "Technoatheist". It helps me avoid all the various techno-evangelists out there, and when I do get in an argument, I just take the happy stand of "All technology sucks in their own special way">
You don't get it!!!
If these folks can't argue over technical trivia, they'll NEVER have anything to say!!!
So by refusing to engage with them, you, yes you Jeremy, are contributing to an increase in societial(sp???) isolation and awkwardness. In the end its always your fault, or at least according to my ex-wife.
PS. Women really do like to argue!!!
I think the propensity for arguments like that are due to our belief that there's something rational, objective and provable about programming. After all, it's computer "science".
Yep, I wrote an essay about these "King of the Geeks" arguments, oh man do I get tired of that crap.
As I was reading this, my MB probe started complaining that 3.3V had just become 0.93V.
I'm not sure if that was meant to be a sign that I should stay out of this discussion or not...
Happily, it cleared up.
In any case, for many people (like me, for example), debating a technical issue is fun rather than draining. The problems start when someone begins to take it too seriously and stops having fun and stops thinking rationally.
The solution of course, is to pick your debate partners carefully.
For example, if someone says that MS makes the "best" software but refuses to define "best", then that's a clue to stop right there and start talking about sports. Nothing good will come of continuing.
On the other hand, if you are discussing if awk or sed is best used on a particular problem, you're probably on safe ground.
However, the worst thing you can do is discuss anything with someone who is a "self-proclaimed expert" on anything. The smart ones never admit to being an expert on anything because they know there is always someone who knows more about SOME part of anything complicated. Anyone who proclaims themselves to be an expert outside of the confines of a job interview has way too many ego problems on that topic to be fun in a debate.
GNU Emacs is better than vi!!! Jeremy and Josh convinced me to try GNU Emacs a long time ago when I was using VIM. I know this is a popular technology debate.
And I get the crap beat outta me for saying things like:
Not if, when.
None of them are all that secure.