I ran an upgrade recently on family.zawodny.com. It was the usual apt-get dist-upgrade to bring things current.

Well, it upgraded a bunch of stuff, including Perl to 5.8.0. That cause MoveableType to die in mysterious ways. So after 2 hours of messing with it, I've migrated my data to MySQL (yes, I was still using Berkely DB, sue me).

If this posts, I guess it's working again.

What a waste of time. As if I didn't already, but now I have a renewed appreciation for why someone might want to use TypePad.

Posted by jzawodn at May 26, 2003 07:48 PM

Reader Comments
# Scott Johnson said:

This stuff totally sucks. Installation, essentially the plumbing of everything digital, is a bigger issue than ever IMHO. And apt-get has traditionally been one of the best things around.

It is so time to get rid of static linking. That won't solve the perl stuff but it will make other conflicts better.

Or make static linking always only an "at your own risk option".


on May 27, 2003 06:40 AM
# Joe Grossberg said:

Just out of curiosity, why'd you use Berk. DB in the first place?

I've never touched it, since MySQL is free anyway.

on May 27, 2003 11:24 AM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

Early versions of MT could only use Bekreley DB, so I had no choice. I just never migrated to MySQL when they added MySQL support.

on May 27, 2003 11:30 AM
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