In their Safari review, PC Magazine says:
Most Mac fans have been surfing with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x, and the Mac browser market has been in a rut. In addition, IE, although well-designed, is notoriously slow in rendering pages.
Are they smoking something? According to my referer logs IE isn't terribly popular on the Mac. A lot more folks are using Chimera or Mozilla. And what is this "rut" they're referring to? Chimera, IE, Mozilla, iCab, Opera, OmniWeb, and now Safari are all available for the Mac.
Posted by jzawodn at January 22, 2003 04:17 PM
Wait a minute, you use PC Magazine as a legitimate source of review information? Personally, I feel that PC Magazine is the "People" of technical rags.
Agreed. I dispute almost every word in that quote. Well-designed?! Bah! The design is barely adequate! Slow? Not particularly: they don't implement big chunks of the specs to achieve this though. Of course, I never use IE, so I don't really know. Lucky me.
My logs indicate Mac traffic from a few Netscape 7s, a few Safaris, a few IE5s, and a Chimera. The sample space is too small to draw any conclusions though.