I happened across Jim O'Halloran's weblog today and briefly confused it with my own. I guess he liked the CSS that I cooked up for MovableType a while back.

So far, I know of two others who started using it and made local modifications: Dan Isaacs (though his body font now sucks) and Michael Radwin. Anyone else? :-)

Update: Dan fixed his CSS. It's now beautiful on the TiBook.

Posted by jzawodn at December 29, 2002 09:00 PM

Reader Comments
# kasia said:

Well.. when I started mine I used the same initial template..

on December 29, 2002 11:21 PM
# MichaelE said:

Actually I think that was the default that came with MT aside from some border differences. It took me a few months to change around some of the colors and I am just now getting into actual layout and functional changes... It was kinda freaky how dead bang identical the other guys was though...

on December 30, 2002 05:17 AM
# Dan Isaacs said:

I think it's time I posted some content :)

on December 30, 2002 07:20 AM
# Dan Isaacs said:

FWIW, I never actually used your CSS. I just read your comments to develop an understanding of what my .css was doing. I tweaked the default MT install, but not your template.

And I want to make some time (like I ever have any) to add some color, and fix the font so I'm no longer a Font-Bitch.

on December 30, 2002 09:54 AM
# Dan de Isaacs said:

Ok. You've successfully shamed me into getting rid of the fixed font size. Now you can amend your reference to me. :)

I also added a pic of Trevor in his "little man" outfit. It's a lady-killer. ;)

on December 30, 2002 07:47 PM
# Tzicha said:

Todays new word is Imitiation. Apparently it means to borrow the CSS used by one site in order to have a similar appearence with independent content. ;)

on December 31, 2002 06:41 AM
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