As previously noted my DSL is going away. But there's a silver lining. My soon-to-be new provider, Raw Bandwidth tells me that there's now a remote terminal in my area. That means I get the DSL from it rather than the "local" central office. So instead of having 384kb/sec down, I should be able to get a more respectable 1.5Mb/sec.

As Mr. Burns would say: Excellent.

(Just don't get me started on how Direct TV is screwing their existing DSL customers. That's a story for another day...)

Posted by jzawodn at December 16, 2002 10:13 PM

Reader Comments
# Joey Gibson said:

I'd like to know how DirecTV is screwing their DSL customers. I'm one of them, but I don't feel screwed. Am I just not paying attention?

on December 18, 2002 03:24 PM
# Joey Gibson said:

I'd like to know how DirecTV is screwing their DSL customers. I'm one of them, but I don't feel screwed. Am I just not paying attention?

on December 18, 2002 03:25 PM
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