Damn. It would appear that DirecTV DSL (formerly Telocity) is going away.

We have some difficult news to share. With the dramatic change in the capital markets and the significant shift in the telecom operating environment, DIRECTV Broadband can no longer stand as an independent business.

That means my DSL goes away. I've gotta find someone else who will give me a static IP address and not rape me on the price. What fun.

Posted by jzawodn at December 14, 2002 04:18 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# Dan de Isaacs said:

I thought you had a nifty perl script to check your IP and update your DNS records.

on December 14, 2002 08:54 PM
# T said:

Hey Z I don't know what you consider resonable but Speakeasy is a pretty good ISP.

on December 14, 2002 11:56 PM
# kasia said:

Speakeasy gets decent reviews.. Go to http://www.dslreports.com and search around..

on December 15, 2002 07:18 AM
# Paul said:

The strange part is that I am still seeing ads for DirectTV DSL even after the announcemnt of their (DirectTV Broadband) death. It it possible that their is another broadband service from DirectTV thats being killed? or are they as bad as it looks?

on December 15, 2002 03:12 PM
# Ask Bjoern Hansen said:

Another vote for speakeasy here. I pay about $100 a month now for 1.5/384 with enough IP addresses to power "Asks Datacenter" in my apartment.

For $10 more I could get 1.5/768 now; but I suspect I would have to do a new install and get new ip addresses etc, so I am waiting with that until I move some day.

- ask

on December 16, 2002 04:04 AM
# Drew Taylor said:

Hey Ask,
If you are staying withing the same service family (RADSL or SDSL) you are only minutes away from faster service. Before I moved, I had Speakeasy DSL and upgraded to a faster plan with a short call to Tech Support. No changes on my part at all - just a bigger pipe. :-) Don't wait to move!

on December 18, 2002 12:13 PM
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