
That's right, it's finally fall in the Bay Area. Looks like the first rain in about 8 months should be here soon.

I guess that means I need to find my umbrella and jacket. And maybe get my wipers fixed (finally).

Posted by jzawodn at November 06, 2002 11:40 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# Michaël Mathy said:

You should live in Belgium. You can not live without wipers. Unless you just stay in your cars engine stopped.

on November 7, 2002 12:43 AM
# crul said:

Ah yes, I long for the day when there were two seasons. Summer and winter. In the summer, everything turned brown and died. In the winter, it all turned green because it rained all the time. I loved it!

on November 7, 2002 05:02 AM
# kasia said:

At least it's not freezing rain with sleet mixed in..

on November 7, 2002 07:19 AM
# Ask Bjoern Hansen said:

What's rain and what does "jacket" mean? Can you buy rain in the mall and what movies has it appeared in? Is it in the union?

on November 7, 2002 01:39 PM
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