Starting about 1 year ago, I get catalogs every few months from The Territory Ahead. I had never heard of them before. The appear to be an L.L. Bean for people who really have cash to burn. The stuff is expensive.
I'll probably never buy from them, and I'm really not sure how or why they got my name. But for some reason I flip thru the catalog each time it shows up. Then I throw it away.
Maybe L.L. Bean sold my info. I'm not sure.
I should take a moment to mention that I'm a bit of an L.L. Bean fan. In fact, I wrote about them before (in my old on-line journal, from before I had ever heard of a "weblog").
Anyway, I thought I'd share. Maybe I'm just recovering from blog-withdrawl or something.
Posted by jzawodn at September 14, 2002 07:53 PM
can you help me find a pair of expensive, tight fitting, flared out jeans?
can you help me find a pair of expensive, tight fitting, flared out jeans?
you guys suck!!! you need to give fucking prices you losers
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww prices man
Susan is a whitey trip man, she is a fool girl not givin me beans whenever i want.