Though we've had a subscriptions page up for a while on the PHP Journal web site, there were two problems with it.
- The form wasn't "secure." While that shouldn't matter because the script that ACCEPTED the data was secure (served via https), the form wasn't. That scared people. And no browser provides ANY indication that "this page submits data to a secure site, so don't worry." That strikes me as a useful feature.
- The program that accepted the data had a minor bug in it. The result is that we lost all be the most recent subscription. They just kept over-writing each other. Doh! Long story. Don't ask.
Those are now fixed. If you subscribed before, please head over to the PHP Journal site and re-subscribe. If you haven't yet... Well, what are you waiting for?
Posted by jzawodn at September 14, 2002 07:19 PM | edit
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