Rishab writes:
I've prepared a table comparing the $560 cost of a single windows + office licence to GDP/capita for 176 countries and some geographical aggregates. In India, GDP/capita is $462 so the licence cost of windows is 14.5 months of average income, translated into US terms that's $42725. Not surprisingly, the higher this effective cost, the higher the BSA-estimated piracy rate.
Ok, I'm
not nearly as fast as Rasmus when it comes to getting pictures
on-line, but mine are up now. No captions yet--I need to fix a few things
in my picture processing software. In fact, they're pretty raw all
around. I haven't removed the truly bad ones yet either.
Find 'em right here.
In case you haven't guessed, I'm back from India. The trip back was much more pleasant than the trip there. It looks like I'm way behind on my RSS feed reading too. Lots of stuff to comment on--and some employer bashing queued up too.
Me? Apparently so. At least in some small circles of the world. I no longer recall how (I really need a personal proxy that keeps track of this shit--anyone got one?), but I recently ran across something surprising.
Want to know what a good education from a simple local college can lead you to? Ever hear of Jeremy Zawodny? He was born in Toledo, went to BGSU and graduated with a degree in computer science. He worked through various jobs and is now a part of Yahoo's platform engineering group working as a MySQL architect. He is responsible for planning and deployment of MySQL throughout the Yahoo enterprise. I found out about him through his recent article "PageRank is Dead" He has also been the executive editor of Linux Magazine and is very very well respected in the computing community with many laurels to his name. He is truly the technologist that Toledo is looking to attract. I hope I grow up to be like him!
Well I'll be damned. I haven't quite figured out if I even know the author of that weblog (and it's exceedingly difficult to research such things at 2:14am in the Bangalore airport), but I guess I've managed to impress him.
I guess that's one thing I can cross off my TODO list now: Impress someone back home. :-)