And it comes with stuff like:
And assorted other
Go here for more details.
See Also: My previous entry on MaxDB.
I've managed to screw up an amazing amount of trivial shit today. I don't know what's up, but you won't see me anywhere near a backhoe or crane.
I left my visa pictures at home. So I drove all the way back to get 'em.
Then I walked over to the travel office to drop off my visa stuff. 95% of the way there, I remembered that I left the signed letter that goes with my visa application on my desk. So I walked back to get it.
Then I dropped off all my stuff at the travel office and Lori the travel lady asks "Where's the other picture?" Apparently they need both pictures even though the documentation only mentions a single picture. So I walked back to get that too.
It's amazing I remembered to breathe today. And that I didn't manage to leave my ass at home.
It'll be, uhm, interesting to see how this day plays out.
On the bright side, I had a good weekend.