I haven't written much here recently. And that's really due to a lot of reason, not the last of which is being busy and that we have a wonderful new kitten named Bear:


The other issue is that I've becoming increasingly unhappy with my blogging tools, the custom hacks I've added over the years, and the required maintenance and upkeep.

So I've decided to give WordPress a try. You can visit my new experimental (likely semi-permanent) blog here: Jeremy Zawodny's WordPress blog

I may find myself posting stuff here from time to time. Maybe. But the reality is that I'll probably work on a mega export of this stuff into the the new blog and setup some redirects at some point.

When I have time.

Which means it may take a while. But that's life.

In the meantime, I have more efficient tools over there and am likely to publish more often. So check it out if you're interested. Or not.

Posted by jzawodn at February 25, 2010 05:20 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# Joseph Scott said:

If you need help with doing the MT import on your WordPress.com blog drop a note to support and we'll lend a hand.

on February 25, 2010 06:59 PM
# Lance Bliss said:

I want to help Yahoo! Incorporated create a “REAL” Social Networking site, that will help Change The World.

This is a proposal for the development, launch of “7slocal.com” a new “REAL” social networking website that focuses on local people in a whole new way.
Below we have defined 10 key ideas that people want from a social networking site:
My idea consists of these 10 key ideas.
1. Give real people what they want.
2. Help people and businesses become more GREEN. (Save Money).
3. Help people become more FINANCIALLY STABLE. (Save Money).
4. Help people learn and become a more productive part of society. (EDUCATION).
5. Give them options. (Give them more of what they want).
6. Help people or have others help them. (GIVE and you will RECEIVE).
7. Get people more involved in the voting process and government issues. (Just the FACTS, keep people informed).
8. Connecting people in new ways. (Meet new people).
9. Focused locally but going globally. (COMMUNITY focused, but globally aware).
10. Make money doing all of the above.

7’s main purpose it going to be to help people, help each other out and let individuals meet in new and exciting ways. It will also be focused locally but go globally. It will help people and business start to live greener. And most of all it will give people what they want from a social networking site.

I would love to meet with you and show you what I have created how and “WE” can make this happen.

So, the question is .... Does Yahoo! want to help me change the world? And create a “REAL” Social Networking Site at the same time?

I look forward to hearing from you and would love to explain my idea in further detail in person. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Lance Damon Bliss

Feel free to contact me:

Lance Damon Bliss

11910 Mayfield Ave #102,
Los Angeles, CA. 90049
(916) 524 - 8935

on March 1, 2010 08:14 PM
# bigjobsboard said:

I think it's a good move to try a new blog website. Wordpress is also a great choice. Good luck to your new blogging website. By the way, cute cat. LOL

on March 3, 2010 01:41 AM
# khalid said:

Is that a real cat in the photo?

on March 11, 2010 04:46 PM
# Jan said:

Gorgeous, gorgeous babycat!

on March 14, 2010 03:15 PM
# Satya Prakash said:

Good choice. I think Wordpess is for blogger.

on March 16, 2010 02:06 AM
# web design said:

There is a little terror of the black cat's eyes in the picture.

on March 16, 2010 02:53 AM
# custom logo design said:

Hi, I've tried many blogging platforms, and wordpress is the best for me so far. I mean wordpress.org not .com.

on April 20, 2010 04:03 PM
# Alba said:

In Russia, a black cat is a very bad symbol :-(
but yours one is really beautiful :=)

on April 26, 2010 03:49 PM
# Mortgage Reverse said:

Yeah it does seem that your cat is a little frightened! The Wordpress platform is in my humble opinion simply the best cms available on the net today (yes, I said cms). SEO friendly permalink and site structure, as well as ease of use and content management put it way beyond Drupal, Joomla, PHPNuke, or any other system. Best of luck with your blog; maybe take a look into Thesis as a theme(Matt Cutts uses it!)

on May 3, 2010 10:58 PM
# London Escorts said:

He's so cute!

on May 10, 2010 03:53 AM
# Steve said:

Wow, the picture is soooo sweet. I like it very much.

on May 26, 2010 09:12 AM
# glcolic peel said:

The very best. We're loving it. To be honest you cannot beat the services or the people that I have dealt with.

on May 29, 2010 07:47 PM
# Michele | Lilyputts Gift Baskets said:

Well just happened upon your great blog, and saw your new kitty. They do take a lot of time, and if anything like mine dying for attention.

on June 1, 2010 08:34 PM
# Mark said:

Cute kitty kitty

on June 9, 2010 05:46 AM
# Michael said:

Wordpress is really the king of the blogging platform now. Glad you made the switch.

on June 24, 2010 12:06 AM
# kkili said:

[url=www.ladygirls.org]Silver Bracelets[/url]
thank you for the share!

on July 20, 2010 05:04 AM
# Rush Printing Los Angeles said:

That;s one scary looking cat. Wordpress does dominate blogging but I prefer the Joomla CMS.

on August 9, 2010 11:15 PM
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone. My current, past, or previous employers are not responsible for what I write here, the comments left by others, or the photos I may share. If you have questions, please contact me. Also, I am not a journalist or reporter. Don't "pitch" me.


Privacy: I do not share or publish the email addresses or IP addresses of anyone posting a comment here without consent. However, I do reserve the right to remove comments that are spammy, off-topic, or otherwise unsuitable based on my comment policy. In a few cases, I may leave spammy comments but remove any URLs they contain.