I'll be speaking Tuesday night at the San Francisco MySQL Meetup. Here's the blurb from the announcement:

Jeremy Zawodny will talk about Craigslist's current use of MySQL, where it's painful, and how things are being re-architected to make the pains go away. This includes hardware changes, sphinx, redis, memcached, and some custom Perl work.

Despite not living too far away from the SF MySQL Meetup venue, I'm a little annoyed at myself for never having attended. So this will be my first time and I'm really looking forward to meeting local like-minded folks.

Thanks to Mike and Erin for recruiting me.

If you're coming and have specific things you'd like me to talk about, drop me a note in the comments or on Twitter.

Posted by jzawodn at November 16, 2009 07:00 AM | edit

Reader Comments
# Jan said:

It would be cool if you could post the slides. Thanks!

on November 16, 2009 09:03 AM
# Shane said:

Will this be recorded or your presentation made available? Sounds super interesting but won't be able to make the drive from San Diego.

on November 16, 2009 09:30 AM
# Jinal Jhaveri said:

Slides please..

on November 19, 2009 02:36 PM
# Tyler Seymour said:

Hi Jeremy,

Just wanted to thank you for giving the presentation at the MySQL meetup. It was really amazing to have someone give such a candid overview of the issues facing one of the top sites on the internet. Several of us from my office attended, and it's come up in discussion several times since.


on November 22, 2009 10:47 AM
# Jeremy Langhans said:

Hey Jeremy,

I <3 how I had to type my name in the required box.

PS. Erin & Mike sound like amazing recruiters ;-)


Jeremy Langhans | senior recruiter | Talent Engagement
Starbucks Coffee Company | 2401 Utah Ave. S. | Seattle, WA 98134
p: 206-318-5429| e: jlanghan@starbucks.com

on November 30, 2009 05:01 PM
# Steve said:

By far the best Mysql meetup so far. Thanks for the in-depth information.


on November 30, 2009 11:41 PM
# Harrison said:

Oops missed out on this one but definitely slides would help a lot. Need information and knowledge on this

on December 6, 2009 10:03 PM
# sinema said:


on December 18, 2009 02:48 PM
# Electic said:

There are a lot of great points here,
but I'm not sure I agree with real-time search being discarded.
I agree that it's not verey relevant,
but isn't the point of it to show what people are currently saying about a topic.

on April 8, 2010 11:48 PM
# Electic said:

There are a lot of great points here,
but I'm not sure I agree with real-time search being discarded.
I agree that it's not verey relevant,
but isn't the point of it to show what people are currently saying about a topic.

on April 8, 2010 11:54 PM
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