As I previously mentioned, on Friday I attended the Drizzle Developer Day at Sun in Santa Clara. While there I had the chance to speak to the group while everyone ate their salad, pizza, and cookies.
The talk was titles "What Craigslist wants and needs from Drizzle" and is available as a Google Docs presentation here. I've also embedded a version of the slides below.
I should note here, as I did at the talk, that this presentation is neither comprehensive or completely representative. That is to say that I'm sure there are things I've forgotten. Plus, the fact that I was working with MySQL in other high-volume web shops before coming to Craiglist means that there's definitely some personal bias and pet peeves addressed in there too.
Anyway, that's what I presented.
Thanks to the fine folks at Sun (soon to be Oracle) for hosting and organizing the day. And special thanks to the Drizzle developers for getting together and showing the rest of us how things work and taking time to talk about their plans.
Posted by jzawodn at April 27, 2009 06:50 AM
Thanks for sharing the needs of Craigslist. It would also be interesting to know how close Drizzle comes to your needs currently. Some of your list obviously isn't implemented in Drizzle yet, and some of it sort of is. Like multicore scalability & storage engine choice is obviously in Drizzle to some extent, but sharding & mod rewrote for replication isn't.
I understand you probably explained some of that during your presentation, but adding a little more information would drastically improve its usefullness.